Chapter Thirteen<3

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**Three Weeks Later, The Last Day Of School**

        Today was the last day of school, like, real school. We were finishing up the GCSE test to graduate, then in a week or so, we’d be coming back to get diplomas and stuff like that. Then we’d be moving on to University – well, some of us. I was. For sure.

        “I’m finished.” I whispered to my teacher as I handed her the finishing part of my GCSE test. She smiled and took it, placing it down on a pile of the other GCSE tests other students had finished before I. I took my seat and waited for the class to be dismissed. And as I waited, I looked back on all that had happened during the years I had been here. So much had changed. I was liked at least a little now, thanks to Harry, who was still one of the popular kids. I’m glad I stopped being popular, it made me more down to earth again, even the bullying. But Harry was changing. Maybe no one else really knew what he was like before he became popular, but he definitely wasn’t who he was now. He’s much more… confident about himself… and he wasn’t really before. I mean, he’d make jokes about himself and how “hot” he was, but now he means it all. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that he’s being very self-centered now.

“Class, you are dismissed.” I heard my teacher call out. “Have a great week and we’ll all see you the night of graduation!” She exclaimed. We all said our goodbyes and walked out of the room, to our lockers to grab everything of ours, and headed to our buses.

        “Emma, wait!” I heard someone call behind me as they tugged me back inside the building. I turned around, curious to see who it was. I saw a head of floppy chestnut curls before he flipped them out of his face, then gorgeous emerald eyes and pink, soft, plump lips. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, burying his face in the crook of my neck and murmuring, “I’m gonna miss you” In my ear. I hugged him back tightly, nodding in agreement.

“I’m gonna miss you, too, Harry..” I sniffed a little, on the verge of tears. It was the first time Harry and I actually had talked in a long time, and to hear him say he’ll miss me… it was an unbelievable feeling – he cares.

“I’m gonna miss you more, Em...” he breathed, sniffling like me. We were now both holding tears back. I stroked the back of this head, tangling my fingers in his curls and breathing deeply, letting a few tears slip unwillingly. His massive hands rubbed up and down my back and sides, holding me tightly to him, almost like he feared to let me go. Neither of us tried to pull away, simply because we would both be even sadder. I just found it confusing that this was happening… we hadn’t talked for the longest time and he was popular and I wasn’t really… he just got the clique to stop being bitches towards me.

“I’m gonna miss my bus..” I sniffed, still hugging him tightly.

“Let me drive you home…” He whispered, placing a kiss on my cheek, picking me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist, clinging onto him like a baby monkey. His hands were on my bottom and my hands were tangled in his curls still. My face was buried in his neck and his was buried in mine.

“If you still remember where I live.” I mumbled. He nodded, carrying me out to his car. The buses weren’t there, and I had best guessed that they had left about ten minutes ago.


        I hopped up on the kitchen counter and Harry walked in between my legs, his arms snaking around my waist. I moved my hands back to his curls, fisting them. He rested his head against my chest and sighed.

“I can’t believe this is the end… all the memories… we’ll never see any of them almost every day anymore…” he murmured, his voice sounding sad and defeated. I stroked his face gently. I couldn’t really relate to his sadness… I didn’t really like anyone at school besides him… and Katy… a tiny bit. I missed my best friend and I finally got him back today. On the last freaking day of school. Whoopee.

“Emma…?” Harry looked up at me and moved his hand to caress my cheek. I hummed in response, looking down in his eyes, moving one of my hands to caress his cheek, too. He leaned up slowly and pressed his soft lips to mine, his eyes closing slowly as mine did, too. The instant our lips touched, sparks went off immediately. It was a feeling so incredible, and I was glad he was my first kiss. I kissed him lovingly as both of my hands tugged on his hair gently as one of his hands pressed my back forward to close any gap between us and the other hand of his stroked my cheek softly. All I could think was how perfect it was… his soft touches and the feeling of his lips upon mine… it was literally perfect.


Author's Note: I'm so very sorry I wasn't able to update at all this week! I was in my sister's wedding and this week was VERY hectic. You should be glad I even was able to update today! I love you all so very much! Succeeded my request of five votes and comments!(: I'm gonna ask for five more votes and five more comments for the next update! Keep reading! <3

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