Chapter Thirty-Three <3

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Song for this chapter is: Elenowen - Falling Slowly♥

I walked back into the house to find Runa on the phone, pacing back and forth across the phone.

“I’ll be there.” She says bitterly before hanging up. I look up at her and look at Emma on the couch, sprawled out under a massive blanket.

“I’m leaving. My dad needs me.” She says coldly, walking out of the house quickly. I roll my eyes at her and lock the front door after she leaves. Emma groans a bit and I walk over to her. She opens her red eyes, crying, reaching for me. I pick her up and cuddle her to me, kissing her head repeatedly.

“I miss him…” She mutters in my ear and I nod.

“He misses you, too.” I tell her, rubbing her back softly. She looks up at me quickly.

“He does?! How do you know?!” Her stare is hard against mine and I can’t help but chuckle.

“You don’t know anything at the moment, and you should sleep. You’ll know everything tomorrow.” I assure her and pick her up and carry her upstairs.

*** Emma’s P.O.V. ***

        Ed carries me upstairs, his large, callused hands on my bum. I’m laid on my bed gently, covered up with my blankets. Ed kisses my head softly before whispering a goodnight to me, then walks downstairs to sleep on the couch.

        I wait until I think Ed is asleep. I’d hate for him to stop me from doing this. I climb out of my bed and walk out of my room and to the very top story of this house, the fourth story. I walk over to the biggest window in the top story, locking the door. It’s raining, lovely. I open my window, letting the cool breeze flow in, and some raindrops fly in. I stand up on the ledge, my heart pounding so loud I feel as though Ed could hear it from all the way up here. Water pools at my feet on the ledge of my window. My palms go sweaty and I look up at the full moon. I don’t dare look at the ground, for I know that I’ll get too scared to do it. I stare at the beautiful moon before closing my eyes.

“I promised to Harry I’d always love him.” I sniff the tears away. “But he never kept his promise..” I let a tear slip, my bottom lip quivering. “I know he doesn’t care anymore. I know he doesn’t love me anymore. I know he’s moved on. I know I’ll never amount to anything he’d love.” I whisper quietly, letting more tears fall. “I’m ready to give up.” I say a little louder, opening my eyes to stare at the moon. Ed knocks on my door before trying to open it, locked. I let the tears fall, my heart pounding.

“You’ve won.” I breathe out, expanding my arms, inching my feet closer to the edge, my body soaking now.

“EMMA!” Ed calls out, trying so hard to open the door.

I take a step into the air, falling slowly…

*** Harry’s P.O.V. ***

        Oh great, it’s started raining as I’m walking back to Emma’s house. I can’t believe I’ve hurt her so terribly. She didn’t deserve shit for all these years. I should’ve just gone back to her after they told me not to the first time. Well, I’m done with everyone. She’s my everything and if no one can accept that, then they can fuck off. They don’t know anything. As my dad used to always say, “If you don’t know shit about shit, don’t say shit about it.” Wise words I’ve always held onto. I need to explain to her everything before I lose her forever, though I probably already have. But I need her back in my life. I can’t keep hurting her. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and that will ever happen to me.

        I make the last turn until I get to Emma’s house, walking a bit faster. It’s so cold and wet out here. I don’t care if Ed is there, I need to see her tonight. Once I get close enough for the house to get into view in this dark night, I see someone in her fourth story window. I walk a bit faster, trying to see who it is.

Oh my god.

It’s Emma.

I sprint towards her, thunder and lightening sparking the night sky, raining harder by the second. I run as fast as my legs will let me, watching her move closer to the edge.

“EMMA! NO!” I shout, my lungs heaving air through them forcefully. I repeat the words several times as I reach closer to her. She’s falling now and I feel like I’m flying towards her, calling out for her with all the power in my lungs and voice, crying now.


*** Ed’s P.O.V. ***

        Emma wasn’t in her room, so I went up to check all the rooms on the third story, and then the forth. She was in the smallest room, with the biggest window…

“Emma! Open the door!!” I shout again, trying to push the door open with all of the strength I can find. I finally have knocked the door off of it’s hinges to get it open, looking around the room. The window is open and Emma is nowhere to be seen in here. I fall to my knees, screaming after her, breaking down instantly. She’s killed herself…


*** Harry’s P.O.V. ***

        I caught Emma in time before she hit the ground, but the both of us nearly died anyways. I hold her to me tightly, crying so hard into her shoulder, gasping for breath as her heartbeat and my heartbeat tries to slow down from their near heart attack. I lay on the cold ground with her, both of us crying so hard and hugging each other as tight as possible, muffling our incoherent thoughts out to each other. I apologize and explain everything to her and tell her repeatedly that I love her and that I’ve missed her more than anything in the world, and she tells me the same, which was a shock to hear, especially after what she just tried to do.

“Why would you try to kill yourself?” I ask her, my voice barely there as the rain pours above us. She nuzzles her face into my neck and sighs.

“I thought I wouldn’t see you ever again… I thought you didn’t care… That you didn’t love me anymore.” She tells me. My heart breaks at that. I made her think that way when it’s the complete opposite of how I feel for her.

“I love you.” I murmur in her ear and she smiles.

“And I love you.” She whispers back. I press my lips to hers, kissing her with all the love and passion that I have for this beautiful lady in my arms.

*** Ed’s P.O.V. ***

        I looked out the window once I could gather myself together, unprepared to see a dead girl that I was in love with. But instead, I see her and Harry, cuddled together under a tree, kissing each other like it was the last time they’d ever kiss.

But, it was most definitely not the last time that they’d be kissing. In fact, it was one of the first kisses that they would share together as a couple, and for the rest of their lives.

Emma and Harry got married two years later, having beautiful children. And though Emma got hate from fans and the media, she dealt with it because she wanted nothing more than to be next to Harry. Nothing could keep them apart, and nothing will…♥


Author's Note: Hi, guys! I feel so bad for not being able to update for a while there. I have been extremely busy with a lot of stuff going on. I'm sad to say that this book is now finished. It ended on a bit of an odd note, but I plan on making other stories!(: Which is a good thing I hope, and I hope you'll like to read those stories, as well as you read this one! I love you all very, very much! And I'm hoping to have a new story up by tomorrow, or sometime next week! So keep checking! I've enjoyed writing this story just as much as you've enjoyed reading it! Thank you all so much for your support and encouragements! And a very special happy birthday to my one and only, Harry Styles! He's 20 today and it's so unbelievable! Wish him a very happy birthday! He's such a lovely person, still wish I could've met him in person while he was still in his teenage years :/ Oh well, maybe someday! I love you all, and thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this!

Stay Beautiful ♥ .xx

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