Chapter Eight <3

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It’s the last year of school here, which is very surprising. It feels like I just moved here yesterday. Well school has been so much different. Harry is actually… quite a bit popular now. Somehow… I have no idea how. I guess he scored a goal in football (soccer, in America)… and won the big game for everyone. Like, he basically just played the entire game by himself and won. I was there, saw the whole thing. Couldn’t tell you how proud I was of him, he’s amazing! He’s literally the best on the team. It’s too bad that the coach didn’t find that out until that night. Now Harry’s like the star player, and probably one of the most popular kids in our entire school, just because he’s very good at football. Which is dumb to me, because he could be popular for so many different other things, but nope, he’s popular for his ability to play football.

        I put the combination of my locker in and tugged it open, throwing my bag inside of it after taking my books and notepad out of it.

“Hey, beautiful.” A familiar deep husky voice says in my ear, making me jump a bit – startled. I looked up immediately and smiled, hitting his chest playfully.

“Don’t scare me anymore, Styles.” I murmured as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I slowly slithered my arms around his neck, gently playing with his curls. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

“I said, hey, beautiful… I think I deserve a hello, at least.” He chuckled, his hands caressing the small of my back.

“Not after you scared me.” I giggled, looking up at him, a blush on my cheeks.

“Oh, come on, beautiful… please?” He breathed, placing a light kiss on my nose. I closed my eyes and merely shook my head.

“Don’t call me beautiful, Harry..” I whispered. He stared at me intently, confusion and shock crossing his face.

“When did you stop thinking you were beautiful?” He asked me firmly, his eyes darkening a bit, pressing me up against a locker just hard enough so that I couldn’t escape. My breath hitched a bit, my fingers cautiously tightening in his hair, trying to warn him not to do anything to hurt me. He’s been like this lately… randomly in a good mood then two seconds later he’s this aggressive guy. It’s sort of scary, and I’ve tried asking him what was wrong, but he just won’t tell me.

“I’ve never thought I was beautiful..” I spoke quietly, cowering a little; scared he might hurt me if I angered him too much. He sensed that I was scared and moved his nose to brush the hair away from my neck, nuzzling his face into my neck. I bit my lip, still a bit tensed. He sighed softly, starting to leave little wet kisses along the base of my neck.

“I wouldn’t ever hurt you *kiss* you know that… *kiss* *long kiss* right?” he asked between the kisses. I gently ran my fingers through his hair, kind of lost in a trance.

        For a few minutes, neither of us did anything. I just ran my fingers through his dark curls which were now tousled because of me. I was a bit unhappy when he moved his head to look at me.

“Right?” He asked quietly, his eyes watering a bit. I pouted, stroking his cheeks – which were oddly hot… Was he feeling okay?

“Right. Are you feeling okay?” I asked him, kind of just wanting to ignore his question. He pouted at me, nuzzling my neck. His entire face was extremely hot… it kind of worried me.

“Harry…?” I stroked his head softly, kissing his head then moving down to his forehead. He had a temperature, definitely.

“Hm.” He groaned. I tried to move his head from the crook of my neck so I could look at him, but he was so much stronger and bigger than I, so it didn’t work.

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