Chapter Twelve<3

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Suddenly, the door broke down and my school principle was knocked out within seconds. I didn’t see who it was, and I was scared of finding out. The person who had just saved me pushed my principle off of me and picked me up. I wasn’t tied to anything, thankfully, but I was still tied up. This person clothed me again and carried me out of the house before calling the cops. They carried me out to their car and just sat me in the passenger’s seat.

“Please tell me you’re alright..” They breathed breathlessly, wrapping a jacket around my shoulders. One of their large hands cupped my face and turned me to look at them. It was Harry, as I had thought. I shook my head, tears endlessly falling from my eyes. Harry hugged me so tightly, making sure I was protected from anything and everything.

        The cops came five minutes later and arrested my teacher and made sure that he was fired from his job. They took me to the hospital to make sure I was alright everywhere. Gladly, I was. My principle didn’t get very far… he was barely even in when Harry burst through, so thankfully, I wasn’t really raped. But I was one thrust away. Harry had come to the hospital to stay by my side, though I wanted him to leave. I didn’t want anyone there with me.

“Emma, I’m staying, that’s final.” Harry spoke sternly, sitting in a chair right beside the hospital bed I was in.

“I’m fine. You don’t need to be here.” I grumbled, trying to shoo him out with my hand. He shook his head and I sighed. He was so difficult. My mum walked into the room and just about smothered me in a hug.

“Honey?! Are you alright?! What happened?! Where is this man?! He better be in jail! Oh my god, honey, are you okay?!” She freaked out, asking all these questions and looking me all over. I was laughing a little. She was so ridiculous it was cute.

“Mum, I’m fine. He didn’t even get in.” I answered coolly, kissing her cheek. My mum was anything but calm in situations.

“HONEY, YOU WERE ALMOST RAPED.” She yelled, looking at me like I was insane. I nodded my head, shrugging. Oh, well, things like this happen. Harry and my mum stared at each other in shock for a minute before lecturing me on how easy going I am and how I should be more careful.

***Back At School, One Month Later***

        My mum didn’t let me go back to school after the little incident that had occurred earlier. She took me to therapy, where there, I had realized how big of a deal it was. My. Principle. Almost. Raped. Me. It finally sunk in, and as soon as it did, I was really cautious about – literally – everything. So my mum took me to therapy, where I let everything out. This girl who was my therapist, she helped me out with everything. I wasn’t so uptight and stressed out anymore. She was a miracle worker, definitely.

        “You sure you’re ready to go back, Em? I can keep you home for another three week… you wouldn’t have to go back till the last day…” My mum said, cautious about letting me go back to school. I shook my head.

“I’m just gonna have more and more work to do if I keep waiting. It’s better to get it all done before we have the GCSE test.” I explained, straightening up my uniform, having had remembered the last time I wore it…. Bad things. I frowned at my appearance and kissed her cheek before walking out and getting on the bus that had just pulled up.

        On the bus, I was just thinking about what was going to happen today… was I going to get bullied for what happened or were people going to be nice to me? Everyone knew, I’m just positive of it. I wondered what Harry was going to say to me. I hadn’t talked to him since he left the hospital once he knew I was gonna be alright. He never came back to talk to me or called me to make sure I was really alright. Pft. Real nice of him.

        The bus came to a stop and we all climbed out. I immediately walked inside and went to my locker. I remembered the combination still, somehow, but I did it and it opened. I put my bag in it and grabbed my books then shut my locker and walked to my first class, which wasn’t gym anymore, English.

“Oh, look, it’s the principle’s little booty call.” I recalled that voice instantly. It was Stephanie, definitely. I rolled my eyes, ignoring her, that is, until she grabbed my books and threw them on the floor. I stood up automatically and shoved her.

“Fuck off.” I snarled, glaring at her as she stumbled back. The other girls glared at me back and rolled their eyes before walking away. I picked up my books and sat back down at my desk. I can’t believe they left me alone.

        The entire day went by as slow as possible. People were coming up and asking me about it and laughing at me and making jokes. It wasn’t funny. Luckily, Harry would go up and talk to them after they’d come up to me. I don’t think I could ever thank him enough for that. He helped me out.


Author's Note: Okay, I'm gonna ask for five comments and five votes again this time for an update and hopefully I'll get them! I let you guys off too easy! Love you all, thank you so much for reading <3

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