Chapter Two <3

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The next morning was very… stressful. I was very nervous to be going to school. You see, I fear that I’ll be bullied like I was back home. I dealt with physical fights and mental pain. It was terrible, but my friends got me through. I’ve never had a boyfriend, therefore I’m a virgin in every place possible. And everyone thought that it was hilarious that I was still a virgin, seeing as how almost every teenager in my school back in Cali had lost their virginity at a young age. So everyone made fun of me for it, and it almost made me want to just… lose my virginity. Luckily my best guy friend stepped up and said that it’s stupid to lose your virginity to some idiot who won’t even care when it’s supposed to be a huge part of your life that only you and one certain guy are supposed to share. So thankfully I haven’t lost my virginity.

        “Mum… I’m not so sure about this…” I mumbled, staring into my appearance in the mirror. I was shorter than everyone in my school back home… literally… even the younger kids were taller than me. It sucks. Anyways, I’ve always been told I was petite and nicely proportioned, like I have the “perfect hour glass shape” whatever that was. Short but fully filled out, as my friends would tell me. Plus I’m tan… and everyone was always jealous of me, though it’s California, everyone could get tan but they just didn’t want to. Everyone told me I was beautiful, besides my bullies. I mean, I didn’t think so… It always annoyed me when people told me how unique I was… blue eyes with brown hair just didn’t happen that often apparently.

“You’ll be fine, sweetheart… You’re no different from them, you’re all humans.” She said, kissing my cheek. “I’ll be home later tonight, get your homework done if you have any. Love you, sweetie, have a good day.” She said before walking out of the house and driving off to work. I sighed, ruffling my long dark curls before fixing my makeup and school uniform, a black skirt with a button up shirt (tucked into the skirt), a red tie and black leggings with black shoes. I thought it was really cute… and it helped you blend in with the crowd.

        I fixed myself up once more before grabbing my backpack and walking outside to wait for my bus to pick me up, as it’s supposed to pick me up here… I think.

        When my bus finally showed up ten minutes later, I walked onto it and quickly sat in the first seat I saw – the very first seat on the bus. All eyes were directly on me, of course, because I was the new student. I sat in my seat and tried so very desperately to keep the tears inside of me and stop my bottom lip from quivering. I could already feel how hot my cheeks were, and I felt very sick, but I guess that’s just the nerves, so it’s normal.

        When we arrived to the school, I was the first one off, mostly because I didn’t want to get trampled by everyone, and also because I was in the very first seat.

“Miss Riley?” I heard someone call my name. I walked towards the person only to realize it was the principle of the school. He smiled and took my hand and led me inside the school. He showed me around to all my classes and introduced me to all my teachers before sending me off to find my locker after handing me a schedule with everything I needed on it.

        I walked down the hallway to find my locker – 200. Once I found it, I tried opening it with the combination scribbled on the paper the principle had given me. It didn’t work. So I tried it again, and it also didn’t work. I sighed and pressed my forehead against my locker in frustration. I heard a chuckle beside me and I jumped, scared.

“Need help, love?” the lad asked me. I looked up at the boy talking to me. He was the same boy from the bakery. He looked different, dressed in black dress pants, a white buttoned up shirt (also tucked into his pants) a black tie, and his hair was tousled. He smelled very nice and he looked much nicer than he did last night.

“Yeah, it’d be great..” I nodded, stepping aside and handing him the paper. He tried the combination once and my locker opened instantly.

“How-” “There’s a trick you have to learn, sweet. Turn the knob once to the right, then once to the left, then back to the right. You’ll catch on eventually. Anyways, your locker is right next to mine, so if you need any help, just ask me, alright, sweetheart?” He smiled and held out his hand for me. I smiled and placed my hand in his as he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. He was very sweet.

“Alright, Mr. No Name.” I giggled, blushing at his recent action. He chuckled and shook his head.

“My bad, I forgot to properly introduce myself. Hello, love, my name is Harry Styles. And yours is, beautiful?” He smiled, his dimples popping out.

“My name is Emma Riley. It’s very nice to meet you, Harry.” I smiled and did a cute little curtsy for him. He bowed like a gentleman before standing tall again and kissing my cheek.

“And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Emma.” He smiled and began to open his locker.

        As the school days went on, loads of people came up and talked to me, mostly because I was from America, which seemed to be a huge thing over here. I don’t know about all the stereotypes here, but I think I was in with the popular kids… I mean, they sure acted like it. And I’d much rather be popular here than be a loser like I was back home. And at the cafeteria, I sat with the biggest group, and I could definitely tell they were the popular people. I didn’t see Harry at all… well, not since this morning when he helped me with my locker. I wondered where he was… that is, until I finally saw him back at his locker at the end of the day.

“Hey, Harry…” I smiled as I approached him, going to my locker. He weakly smiled at me, merely showing his face.

“Hi.” He spoke, his voice sounded sad and strained. I frowned and reached up to turn his face towards me. He sighed and turned towards me. I gasped and walked more towards him. His lip was tore open and bleeding, and he had a couple bruises on his cheeks and on his arms.

“What happened…?” I asked tentatively, stroking his cheeks softly. He took my hands gently and placed them at my sides.

“Don’t worry about it, love, I’m fine.” His voice broke a couple times and he just shook his head and looked down as he continued to pack his things up in his locker.

“Tell me what happened.” I demanded firmly, glaring at him because he was being stubborn and wouldn’t tell me.

“I said-” “Emma, why are you talking to this twat?” Ryan came up and interrupted Harry and I. Ryan was apart of the popular group, also a jock.

“Harry isn’t a twat..” I mumbled, furrowing my eyebrows at Ryan. Ryan laughed loudly and tugged on my shoulder to pull me away. I shrugged Ryan off of me and opened my locker, packing up my backpack and closing my locker. I glared at the dumbfounded Ryan and turned towards Harry.

“I’ll see you later.” I said to him before leaning up and kissing his cheek. He sighed and looked down.

“Yeah.” He nodded before kissing my cheek back. I gave him a sad smile and walked past him, down the hallway, and out the double front doors and to my bus. First day, wasn’t so bad.

        When I arrived home, I decided to go to the bank and convert our money into the money here, which was odd. Then I went to the local store and bought groceries and toiletries for the bathrooms and for my mum and I. After that, I went down to the bakery we had gone to the night before, and picked up food for my mum and I. Sadly, Harry wasn’t there.

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