Chapter Three <3

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The next morning, my mum just blabbered on to me about her new job and how much she loved it. She was a nurse and she loved every second of it. I had told her about my day at school, and she seemed very happy that I was fitting in quite nicely. I told her that the lad that had paid for our dinner at the bakery was named Harry and he was in my grade at school. She was so thrilled.

“So do you like him?” She asked with a smirk. I blushed and shook my head.

“I think he’s a charming young lad, but I don’t know him enough to like him like that.” I murmured, packing my backpack and slipping on my TOMS. She giggled, amused at my blush and quick response.

“I think you should get to know him more.” She said, stating what her mind said. I rolled my eyes and fixed the tie on my uniform.

“You’re silly mum. Now go on, you’ll be late for work.” I kissed her cheek and hugged her before she walked out and drove off to work.


        When the bus arrived at school, we all got off and walked inside. I was still holding my schedule, seeing as how it was only the second day of school and I didn’t know the route fully yet. But a lot of students helped me around, which was greatly appreciated.

“Emma, come sit with us!” I heard my friend, Stephanie, call me over to sit next to me in the first class we had. I did and sat next to her with her group of friends, the popular kids.

“So Ryan likes you.” One of the girls said abruptly, smiling hugely. The other girls squealed and giggled. I gave her the other girls a confused look.

“So?” I asked, sincerely confused about why this was so “exciting”.

“Oh it’s nothing. Just that Ryan is the most popular guy in this entire school and the best football player out there. It’s nothing. He’s just got a big crush on you.” Lily, one of the girls in the group said, acting as if it was no big deal.

“Is that supposed to mean something? I don’t like him; he’s been a jerk to my friend. Plus, he doesn’t even know me.” I said a bit harshly. I honestly couldn’t care less that Ryan liked me. If he was going to be rude to my friend, I wasn’t going to like him.

“Emma!” all the girls screamed in unison, causing the whole class to look at us. I was blushing like crazy as they all lectured me on how I should be “in love” with him, too. I shook my head at them and stood up from my seat and walked over to an empty desk. I wasn’t going to sit with them if all they were going to do was tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.

        The whole day went by, and I hadn’t seen Harry at all. I was starting to get a bit worried. He wasn’t at his job yesterday, and he wasn’t at school today… Maybe he just wasn’t feeling all too well. But then again, what if Ryan had done something to him… Oh god… I’m so stupid. Why the hell did I leave them alone!? Ugh!

        “Ms. Riley! Back to class!” I heard my already annoying science teacher yell at me.

“Y-yes, sir.” I grumbled, grabbing my books and walking to my next class. While I was walking down to my next class, I heard a bunch of noises coming from the next hallway. I cautiously walked down the hallway… wishing I hadn’t once I saw what was going on. Harry lay on the floor with twelve or so boys from our grade and higher beating him up. His face was bruised and bloody, his clothes soaked from tears and blood.

“Leave him the hell alone!” I screamed, rushing over to the upsetting scene. The boys all backed up and smirks painted all over their ugly ass faces.

“Awww, Twat’s got a girl to protect him! How cute!” One of the boys said in a stupid childlike voice. I shot a glare at him and took a shove at his chest.

“Listen here, bastards, just because Harry isn’t popular like you idiots are, he’s got the sweetest personality and he’s way smarter than any of you will ever be. And you, Ryan,” I pointed towards Ryan – who actually looked a bit stunned that I found out about this – and glared at him, “I will never, ever, in a million years. EVER. Like you.” I growled at him. “Now off with you all before I tell the principle.” I yelled, motioning for them to walk down the hallway. The boys all laughed with each other as they walked down the hallway. I rolled my eyes and glared at them, mentally throwing daggers into their backs. I sighed and looked down at Harry who was curling up and sobbing in pain. I knelt down beside him and took his hands in mine.

“Harry, love, are you okay?” I asked softly, taking one hand and stroking one of his cheeks gently. He winced a bit but nodded, sniffling. I pouted and shook my head.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up, darling.” I murmured, trying to help him up. He was too heavy… which was odd… he could definitely take down those guys… he was strong enough and tall enough, but he didn’t fight back once. Harry denied my attempts to help him up.

“Just go, Em, I’m fine.” He sniffed, lying down on the floor.

“Harry, get up and let me help you.” I spoke a bit urgently, wanting to help him. He sighed, looking up at me, clenching his jaw before finally getting up. I smiled in achievement and took his hand, slowly leading him down to the bathrooms.

        “Why do you let those guys walk all over you?” I asked him quietly, dabbing at his lip which had been busted open again since yesterday. He winced and took my hand firmly, pushing it away.

“Harry, you have to let me help you… I know it hurts but it’s an ugly cut that needs to be cleaned.” I said, trying to be firm and comforting at the same time. He sighed, letting my hand go, groaning as I started dabbing at it again.

“Answer me…” I breathed, finishing up cleaning his lip and then cleaning up the blood smeared all over him.

“I don’t have enough idiocy to retaliate what they do to me. It just doesn’t make sense.” He said simply, shrugging his shoulders, and then wincing because no doubt he’s sore all over. His answer stunned me a bit. He really was smarter than them.

“You mean… you’d never fight them back?” I asked, tilting his head up by his chin gently so I could look in his beautiful eyes… which were now blue… probably since he was crying… but my eyes turn green when I cry.. And mine are blue…

“Why would I? What’s the point? They’re just stuck up twats and don’t have anything better to do.” He said in this voice that struck me so much. I just stared at him, gaping. The corners of his lips tugged upwards slightly, and his eyes began to sparkle and turn back to that impeccably beautiful emerald color.

“Why aren’t more guys like you?” I asked in a whisper, my thumb stroking his bottom lip absentmindedly. He chuckled a bit.

“Why would you want more guys like me? I’m not popular or as good looking as those twerps.” He said in an amused tone, one arm loosely wrapping itself around my lower back. My breath hitched slightly at his touch. It was so gentle and sweet.

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. I honestly have no clue why you aren’t popular, because you’re very good at football and you’re completely attractive… maybe…. Too… attractive…” I bit my lower lip, blushing. He raised an eyebrow, smiling.

“Love, I don’t want you hanging around me. You’ll lose your friends, and become less popular and maybe even get bullied. I don’t want you to get bullied, dearest, it’s not fun.” He breathed, pulling his arms around me and hugging me close to him. I didn’t hesitate once to fully wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. I honestly didn’t care if I got bullied… I already was bullied once. And if I was going to get bullied again, it’d be the stupidest reason… Harry is a really great guy.

“I was already bullied back home, Harry, I don’t think it’d matter if it happened here, too.” I mumbled into his curly dark hair. He smiled and pulled back a little, looking me in the eyes.

“Stay away from me, Emma, it’s for your own safety.” He breathed over my lips before fully pulling away and standing up. He thanked me for helping him get cleaned up, then told me that I was very nice and that he appreciated my kindness towards him, but he didn’t want me to get hurt by anyone, so he said goodbye to me. I don’t know why he thought I was really going to stay away from him; his locker is right next to mine.

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