Chapter Twenty-Nine <3

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When people started showing up to this party, I found myself unconsciously drifting to where Harry was often standing.

“Are you going to let me explain?” He asks me suddenly, making me jump a little. I turn to look at him, traveling my eyes up his long body from head to toe.

“If you give me back my phone, you can have a minute to explain.” I say, giving him an “I’m not interested in anything you have to say” look.

“How the hell am I supposed to explain everything in 60 seconds?” He asks me, his tone sounding annoyed and possibly even a bit angry. I roll my eyes.

“That’s the point, idiot, I don’t want you to explain anything.” I mutter, looking away from him, turning to the sink to get a glass of water. The only other liquid that exists in this house is alcohol, unfortunately.

“Why are you so guarded now?” He asks, his tone obviously making him sound mad and stern. I turn to him and glare at him.

“I have every fucking right to be guarded. Especially around you.” I tell him quietly but firmly, not wanting to cause a scene. His eyes flicker to my lips and he looks away quickly as if the words finally caught on to something.

“I know I’ve hurt you something terrible, but please… I’m trying to fix things here. I’m tired of being someone I’m not!” He says quietly, placing his massive hand on my shoulder. I shrug his hand off and roll my eyes.

“I don’t want you to fix things, because if you wanted to truly fix things, then you should’ve done it ages ago. I’m with Ed now, and I’m honestly as happy as I could be.” I look up into his eyes and see tears start forming, hurt flashing across his face. I turn around quickly to fill my glass up with water.

“So that means that we can’t be friends?” He asks so quietly. I sigh heavily and shake my head.

“Why?” He asks, moving closer to me, his voice sounding hurt and sad. Well, at least, that’s what I think I’m hearing.

“Because we can’t be anything anyways, and you left me. So I moved on and so have you. Capisce?” I step back so that my back meets up with the counter in the kitchen. Harry moves towards me in such a seducing way, placing his hands on the counter, so that I’m trapped between the counter, and him. He leans down to my ear and breathes heavily for a moment. I don’t dare try and escape, because right now, he’s acting strange. Who knows, he could hit me or something.

“You cannot be telling me that we can’t be friends because you are dating MY best friend..” He snarls in my ear, his hot breath skimming down my neck, nearly making me pass out.

“I am telling you that we cannot be friends… because you and I both are in a relationship.” I breathe out after a few minutes. He growls deep in his throat, pressing his body against mine. I let out a huge breath and try to back up. Oh, God, where’s Rosie at?!

“I am NOT in a relationship. I will NEVER consider her as anyone of worth in my life. You’ll always have my heart, no matter what happens.” He breathes in my ear and I shiver, nearly melting into him. I draw in a sharp breath as his lips connect with the corner of my jaw, his body coming even closer to mine, holding me to him. My eyes flutter closed as if they have no say in what to do. He starts to nibble gently, licking and sucking as well, moving all around my neck without hesitance. I’m helpless against him when he overwhelms me like this, and he knows that. The bliss is soon ended when someone pulls Harry off of me.

“What the fuck-” Harry begins to yell, but stops once he sees Rosie with a look of anger plastered on her face.

“I told you to leave her alone, since you aren’t helping anything! And then you go and try to-.. wait…” She pauses, looking at me, confusion taking place of the anger. “What was happening?” She asks, looking back at Harry, who is fuming, looking like he could literally beat the shit out of Rosie at any second.

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