Chapter Nineteen <3

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**Three Hours Later**

        Emma was starting to wake up now, finally. I didn’t want to wake her up, because it was extremely easy to see how exhausted she was. She slowly opened her tired eyes and looked up at me. Confusion flashed across her face.

“Where are we?” She asked quietly, her voice sounding just as tired as she looked. I stroked her hair softly.

“We’re at my house, sweet.” I murmured, holding her tightly to me as she sat up slowly.

“You’re house is massive…” She breathed, observing the room. It was bigger than I needed, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s massive. Maybe her house was really small?

“It’s not that big.” I chuckled softly as her jaw dropped at my words. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead before standing up and walking around. I got up to follow her, exploring my house that I knew from front to back. Her small movements to look at every corner and in every closet or small space were so cute. I remember that once she got interested in something, she wanted to know everything about it. I had a feeling she wanted to know everything about my house.

“Do you have any pets?” She asked, picking up a small cat toy from under my bed. I chuckled, nodded, snapped my fingers and called for my kitty, Bellini. Bellini walked out, meowing cutely. I smiled and picked him up.

“This is Bellini.” I said, handing Emma the cat. She smiled and took him from me, holding him to her. He seemed to like her, as he nuzzled her almost everywhere. Bellini hated Taylor, but loved Emma. Weird.

“He’s adorable..” She smiled, stroking his head softly as he purred loudly. She giggled and put him down on my bed. I smiled. She was adorable, and I was happy to see her smile.

“He’s not as adorable as you.” I said, taking her hands in mine and leaning my forehead against hers. She flushed and looked at my lips. I licked my lips in attempt to tempt her. She bit her bottom lip and moved a little closer to me. God this closeness is driving me crazy. She untangled our fingers and moved her hands to my neck, stroking everywhere she could on me. I let out a sharp breath as she moved her lips to my neck. I moved my hands to her hips and pulled her towards me. She let a small whimper escape as she came in contact with the growing bulge in my pants. Shit, probably shouldn’t have done that. I blushed a bit and she parted her lips slightly and let a small moan escape. I swear it was the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. I let out a groan as she moved one hand down my chest, abs and towards my bulge. She gasped as she palmed me through my pants. I moaned a bit loud, moving my lips to her neck to suck on a certain spot that I knew would drive her crazy. I knew exactly where it was, thanks to the three hours it took while she was sleeping, and even though she was sleeping, it drove her crazy. She moaned my name as I nibbled on this spot on her neck, just under her jaw by her earlobe. I smirked and sucked on it, my hands finding their way to her bottom. She moaned even louder as my hands squeezed her bum and my lips suck on her neck.

“Ed..” She breathes heavily, her hands tangling in my hair. I moan softly as she tugs on my hair. “Ed, stop…” She softly begs, her voice no more than a faint breath. I don’t stop, it’s making her a bit happier, I can tell. She moves her head into the crook of my neck and moans helplessly as my hands move up to her full breasts. God they feel heavenly. I squeeze and rub them as my lips, teeth and tongue work on her neck, her moans becoming ragged with her breath. I sense her knees becoming wobbly under her and I lift her up and lay her on the bed.

“Ed..” She pants softly, trying to move my head to look at me. I let her, my hands resting on her sides. “We can’t get carried away… again…” she breathes. She’s right. The last time we did something like this, it almost turned into something neither of us could have ever imagined so soon.

“You’re right…” I sighed quietly, climbing off of her and laying beside her. She pouted and rolled over to me, curled into my side and huffed softly.

“Please don’t be mad…” Her cute voice whispered. I smiled slightly.

“I could never be mad at you..” I murmured, lifting her face up by her chin to look at me. She smiled cutely and reached her hands up to caress my cheeks.

***Emma’s P.O.V.***

        I wasn’t sure what I wanted anymore. I mean, I really do… did… love Harry, but Ed was there when Harry wasn’t. I can’t be with Ed if all I’m gonna see him as is my rebound. He’s so much more special to me than someone to help me get over Harry. He deserves better than me, and so does Harry, and he’s found Taylor, I guess. I’m just too confused for words right now. What even just happened between Ed and I just now? I don’t even know anymore. I’m too emotional to be able to decide what to do at the moment, I just need some time to think.

“Emma?” I heard Ed speak softly, his eyes gazing into mine.

“Hm?” I looked at him curiously, pursing my lips.

“Be mine?” He asked quietly, tears welling up in his eyes. My heart dropped instantly.


Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys! I've been so busy with school and being depressed >.< I'm sorry, but here's a short update! Hope you like it! I literally screamed when I saw that I had a thousand reads on my story and over a hundred votes! Thank you all so much! You mean more to me than you think! Keep reading this story! I've got loads of ideas for a few more stories, so it'd be great if ya'll read those stories, too, once I'm finished with this one!(: Thanks so much, again! Keep commenting, it's so encouraging to me!

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