Chapter Fifteen<3

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***April 11th, 2010***

***Harry's P.O.V. ***

"Harry, it's time to get up! You've got an audition today!" My mum squealed, nudging me slightly until I moved. I sat up slightly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"So early?" I glanced at the clock. It was 3 in the morning. I groaned and laid back down. There was no way I was getting up this early. I'm not a morning person, especially at 3 in the morning.

"Ugh, Harold. Get your bum out of bed." She pulled the covers off of me and turned on my lights, nearly blinding me. I groaned, burying my head under my pillows. She grabbed my pillows and hit me with them.

"I won't fight you. Get up." She said sternly before walking out. I hate how powerful she is.

I rolled out of bed and got ready for this audition. I was so nervous, but I was planning on doing this. I wanted to know what everyone else thought of my voice, instead of my mum telling me I was a good singer. I wanted someone else's opinion.

"You nervous?" Gemma asked me. I looked at her and gave her a small smile with a weak nod. I was really nervous, actually. But I was hoping that this is where I'm heading in the future. I love singing.

"Don't be nervous, you're amazing." Gemma came over and hugged me tightly, trying to reassure me and calm my nerves.

I walked downstairs and ate a banana, as I didn't think I could handle a breakfast meal at how I was feeling at this point. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at it. It was Emma.

"I don't know if you're up right now, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. I know you'll do amazing, and I know you'll make it through. Don't be nervous, Harry, it'll be fine(: " She texted me. I smiled at that. She knew exactly how to cheer me up.

"Ohhhh, someone made him happy. Who is it?" Gemma asked, noticing the sudden ease in my eyes and body. I blushed and murmured, "Emma" under my breath. My mum and Gemma both smiled, awing. I blushed even more.

"Harry, she's perfect for you." Gem said. I nodded. I knew Emma was perfect for me.

"I know." I smiled happily, standing to my feet. "Are we going?" I asked, trying to hurry them along. I didn't want to be waiting in line for a long time, I wanted to get this over with. I was very apprehensive about this.


When we arrived at the X-Factor building/stadium, we immediately went inside to get my number and confirm that we were there. But we had to wait in line for a long, long time. There were already so many people there this early. My number was 165998. If that doesn't tell you how many people were there then I don't know what does.

"Relax, Harry, it'll be fine." Gemma assured me once more. I was shaking in my spot. I was next to be interviewed. INTERVIEWED. My mum laughed at me and rubbed my shoulders as the interviewer/cameraman walked over to us. He smiled at me and started asking me questions while filming me. I guess every contestant had to do this when they were up next?

"Hey! What's your name, mate? How old are you? Where are you from? What's it like there?" The interviewer asked, having started the interview.

"Um, I'm Harry Styles, I'm 16, and I'm from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire. It's quite boring, there's nothing much that happens there. It's quite picturesque." I said.

"What sort of experience you got music wise?" The interviewer asked me.

"Uhhhmm, I'm in a band. I sing in a band with my friends at school, called White Eskimo." I answered.

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