Chapter Seven <3

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It’s been about four months since the first tutoring session between Harry and I, and I’ve learned so much. I don’t think I could ever thank him enough for helping me understand so much. He’s sort of… changed me… I don’t know – it just seems weird around him now. Like… I can actually consider him a very close friend. I find it quite annoying though… how he never talks to me during the school day until our tutoring session at the end of the day. But, I mean, I guess it’s alright… I’d much rather talk to him at the end of the day than have nothing to do with him. I’ve got to say, it was sort of torture watching him get beat up and not being able to help him, and I wasn’t talking to him either. It was really painful, actually.

        “Alright, so, we need to study your maths test again before you leave me.” Harry said, pulling out the test review sheet. I groaned and rolled my eyes. Math was the one class that I wasn’t getting a good grade in. Harry helped me understand it a lot better, but I failed every test because I just wasn’t a good tester.

“Oh come on, Em… try to pass this test for me.” He sighed, reaching across the table and taking my hand in his – something he usually did while tutoring me. I squeezed his hand a little, scooting closer to him. He smiled a little, kissing my forehead as I laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

“Tired, love?” He murmured quietly in my ear, snaking one arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I nodded slowly, moving my head into the crook of his neck. He smelled so good, and his touch was just soothing.

“Can I ask you some math questions, babe?” He asked hesitantly, kissing my cheek. I groaned, shaking my head. He chuckled, obviously going to anyways.

“For a new car priced at $24,000, Martha takes a five-year loan with an interest rate of 6.5%. By the time she owns the car, how much will she have paid, including principle, the original cost, and the interest? Note: the formula for interest equals principle times the rate times the time.” He looks at me and I stare blankly up at him and shrug. He rolls his eyes.

“Emma, you’ll fail, please answer.” He spoke softly, placing the review sheet upside down on his lap so I couldn’t see the answers. He hugged me to him, one of his hands running through my hair gently, sighing softly as his eyes closed slowly, and leaned his head against mine. I smiled shyly, a blush on my cheeks, cuddling into him. I loved these moments with him. He’s never been this way with any other girl, and I felt really special.

“I honestly don’t know, Harry.” I mumbled.

“A different one then?” He asked with a sigh. I groaned, shaking my head again. He tilted my head up to his by my chin, looking me in the eyes before placing a kiss on the tip of my nose.

“This one is easy. Jack eats three lollipops in one minute. Jill eats two lollipops per minute. How many do they eat in a total of 12 minutes?” Harry asked, looking down into my eyes. I pouted, getting lost in his eyes, not doing anything to respond to him.

        We stayed staring into each other’s eyes for about ten minutes before he finally got the hint that I clearly wasn’t going to answer him. He groaned softly, closing his eyes.

“I feel like I’m failing you, you know.” He said rather harshly. I pouted and shook my head, leaving a few kisses on his neck.

“You’re not failing anyone… you’ve helped me so much.” I murmured in his ear, biting the earlobe. He chuckled a bit, biting on my earlobe, too. I giggled and moved my hands to his hair, running my fingers through the soft curls. I received a slight moan from Harry, who had his eyes closed and his head fell forward towards me. I smiled, knowing he loved it when I ran my fingers through his hair.

“You’re killing me, Emma…” He murmured quietly, his nose next to my collarbone. I kissed his head.

“You’re not failing me, Harry, and I think we both need a break from this tutoring.” I spoke softly as he started leaving soft, wet little kisses on my neck. I closed my eyes and my fingers gently tugged at his curls – to which he moaned softly again. He started to nip and suck around my neck, probably leaving multiple love-bites all around. I moaned softly as he found that one spot, sucking on it and nipping it softly. I pressed closer to him, moaning slightly louder in his ear, my fingers tugging harder on his curls. He moaned with me, holding me closer to him. I was on his lap now.

        A few more minutes passed before Harry slowly started to stop, kissing up my jaw and to the corner of my lips. He sighed softly, hesitating to go any further, before pulling away.

“60.” He sighed, looking away from me. I gave him a confused look, turning his face back to meet mine. “Jack and Jill eat 60 lollipops.” He cleared up for me.

“Oh..” I murmured, kissing his nose. He smiled a little, blushing.

“Em… you might want to wear a scarf or something tomorrow…” He murmured quietly, kissing my cheek. My eyes widened. Oh shit.

“What did you do to me?” I groaned softly, reaching up to feel my neck. I winced and stared at him in disbelief. He smirked and moved my hand away from my neck, placing a small kiss on his marking.

“Just don’t irritate it and it won’t hurt… and please don’t be mad that I marked you.” He hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back tighter.

“It’s good to mark your territory.” I giggled, kissing his cheek as dimples appeared on both cheeks.

        Harry and I finished up the tutor session, studying extra hard on my math review. I wanted to show him that I could try and test well. And I did show him. I ended up getting an A on my math test, thanks to Harry Styles.

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