Chapter Four <3

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***Two Weeks Later***

        It’s been two weeks since Harry and I last spoke. I’ve tried talking to him at his locker or sometimes in the few classes we’ve had together, but he never responded. He didn’t even look up at me. And most of the time, Ryan or Stephanie would tug me away from him in disgust.

        “Why do you talk to that loser anyways?” Stephanie asked me, acting as if she couldn’t see anything more disgusting as she glared at Harry.

“What’s wrong with him anyways?! He’s really sweet! He doesn’t stink, and I think he’s cuter than the entire school.” I defended Harry, firm and mad that they all hated him for no reason.

“He’s a twat!”


“Because! Just look at him!”

I turned around and looked at Harry. He didn’t look like loser or a twat. His hair was really tussled and cute, and his outfit was just like what all the other guys wore. He didn’t look any different from them, they were all guys and they all played football and they all dressed alike. I honestly have no idea why anyone would hate such a guy as sweet and as smart as him.

“I don’t see anything wrong with him.” I said bluntly, turning back to look up at my friend. I was the shortest one here, so everyone was careful in the hallways so they wouldn’t knock me over or something. It kind of annoyed me, I wasn’t fragile at all.

“Do you like him, Emma!? Cause that’s disgusting! He doesn’t deserve love.” She said rudely, shooting glares between both Harry and I. I narrowed my eyebrows and burned holes in her eyes.

“YOU don’t deserve love, you bitch.” I spat, turning away from her and marching towards my desk.

        The whole class, Stephanie sat silent and I burned holes in the back of her head. I would catch Harry occasionally glancing over at me, but he would quickly look away. I sighed in frustration. He really didn’t want me to start getting bullied for hanging out with him, did he? Not talking to me, and merely even looking at me anymore… it’s all the confirmation I needed.

        The rest of the day just dragged on, and Ryan wouldn’t stop bugging me. All he did was ask me out, and he told me he wouldn’t stop until I agreed to go out with him. I wasn’t planning on it, ever, but my chances with Harry just seemed to drop lower and lower every day. It’s almost like… Harry was the popular one to me, and all the other boys were losers. Harry was too good for me… maybe I deserved Ryan – the asshole.

        Stephanie and her posse all shot glares at me the entire day because I had called their “leader”, Stephanie, a bitch. Oh well, she needed to hear the truth. And I knew for a fact no one was going to tell her just that – the truth.

        As I walked towards my bus to go home, I saw Harry walking down the road. I stopped dead on my heels before deciding to walk with him.

“Harry!” I called, running to catch up with him. Harry looked back once and clenched his jaw.

“Go back.” He mouthed to me before continuing to walk, only walking faster. My whole body tensed and I ran faster towards him. I jumped onto his back, my legs tight around his waist and my arms tight around his neck. Harry sighed heavily, still walking just the same as he was before, like I wasn’t even on him. He effortlessly carried me piggyback style, not saying a word to me or looking up at me, he just continued to walk.

        “Where do you live, love?” He asked in a sigh, walking down the road quite a ways. I shook my head.

“Take me where you live.” I murmured. He stopped dead in his tracks.

“Emma, you can’t be seen with or around me. They’ll all start hating on you.” He said, letting me onto the ground softly, making sure I didn’t fall on my way down. I pouted, wrapping my arms tightly around his torso. He rolled his eyes.

“Emma, please.” He sighed; obviously frustrated I wouldn’t leave him alone. I giggled a little, finding it amusing how I was being like a stalker and not letting him get away from me. I was giggling until he turned around suddenly and took my arms in his massive hands and pulled me off of him. I groaned and whimpered, trying to stay attached to him.

“Emma, I don’t want you around me.” He said so exasperatedly.

“I don’t care. I want to be with you.” I said sternly, looking up at him as he stared down at me. His eyes sparkled, and his cheeks held a light shade of pink.

“Emma, you’re the sweetest girl in the world. I don’t want you getting hurt though… and so I must keep you as far away as possible from me.” He breathed, pressing his lips to my forehead, and then wrapping his arms tightly around my waist – hugging me. I sighed heavily, hugging him back just as tight.

“I don’t care-” “Please don’t say you don’t care… I do care and I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep you from getting hurt by anyone… even if it means keeping you away from me.” He murmured quietly, interrupting me.

        Harry walked me home, and just before he walked away, he told me again how sweet I was and how he appreciated my kindness towards him, but said goodbye “for real” this time.

        Once I was finished with my homework, I cooked some dinner for my mum and I. Her hours seemed to be getting later and later every week, which was okay, I mean, at least she enjoyed her job, but I didn’t like being home alone for a long time. I needed her help with some of my homework, and I needed her there to talk to… help me sort things out…

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