Chapter Twenty-Eight <3

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I walk down the road for a few minutes or so before I see a car stop beside me on the road. I glare at the car before I see Rosie roll down the window and give me a confused look.

“What the hell are you doing out here?! It’s freezing cold and you’re supposed to be helping Harry set up decorations!” She says in a frustrated tone.

“I, quite frankly, do not give a fuck, my dear.” I roll my eyes and keep walking. She backs her car up as I keep walking. What the hell is she doing? She’s lucky there are no cars on this road at the moment otherwise she would’ve hit someone right now.

“Emma, get in the damn car, you’ll freeze to death and I need you. Get. In.” She says firmly. I shake my head and give her a snooty look, starting to walk again. She honks at me and I jump.

“What the fuck?!” I yell at her, glaring in her general direction.

“I said get in the damn car now!” She repeats, honking the horn again. I jump once more before pulling the door open and getting in, slamming it behind me.

“God damn. You’re stubborn and annoying, you know.” I murmur to her. She rolls her eyes and gives me a disapproving look.

“You’re stubborn and annoying, too, ya know.” She tells me, looking at me with a softer look in her eyes. “I invited him so that you two could talk things out… you seem so off lately, I thought he could help. Did he fuck things up? I’ll yell at him for you.” She says in a calm tone, understanding. I look out the window and try not to cry, my bottom lip starting to quiver. I can’t believe I said those things to Harry. But he needed to hear them, just as much as I needed to get them out of me. I don’t think I can face him, or talk about him.

        Rosie decides not to make me talk the rest of the drive back to her house, thankfully.

“Do you want to see him?” She asks me softly. I look up at her slowly, wiping a fallen tear, merely shaking my head. She nods understandingly and gets out of the car.

“I’m gonna go talk to him.” She says, pausing to look at me. “Babe, c’mon, come inside, it’s freezing.” She tries to persuade me.

“He’s in there…” I whisper shakily, not being able to help the couple of tears that fall. She sighs and closes her door, opening mine and bending down to give me a hug. I bury my face in her neck and hug her tightly, crying on her shoulder.

“Shh, love, c’mon, I won’t let him bother you.” She says in my ear. I sniff back more tears and nod.

“Okay.” I finally agree, climbing out of the car and wiping my tears. I catch a glimpse of Harry peeking out of the kitchen window at us and I roll my eyes. Oh great, now he’s going to confront me about my crying.

        Rosie leads us inside and she turns to me.

“I’m gonna go talk to Harry, I’ll be right back. Go have a seat on the couch or get a drink.” She suggests, walking into the living room where Harry’s just walked to. I decide to get a drink, because my throat hurts from crying, but I can’t help but hear Rosie and Harry.

“You idiot. You fucked things up! Now apologize! I invited you because you fucking need HER!” I hear her yell at him. I roll my eyes, getting a glass of water.

“I stood up for her and I guess I said too much… Rosie, it’s hard trying to get her back. I’ve hurt her way too much. I need your help and I just need her forgiveness.” He says softly, making it hard for me to hear, but I can still make out his words, surprisingly. His voice is far too deep and husky, it’s definitely one of the many things I found attractive about him.

“Well then go beg for it. Go do something. You lost your charming side once that bitch and you started doing that stupid publicity stunt.” She says, annoyed. He sighs heavily before walking into the kitchen where I am. I pour my glass of water down the drain, having lost my appetite for water, if that can even happen.


“Don’t talk to me.” I interrupt him before he even starts to talk, pushing past him and into the room with the couch now in it. I sit on it and pull out my phone as he walks in a few minutes later.

“Emma, please-”

“I said don’t talk to me!” I nearly shout, standing up and throwing my hands around in frustration, throwing my phone at him in the process. I gasp, thinking it fell and broke, but it’s safely in his massive hands.

“I know you’re going to push me away and throw a fit right now, but when people start showing up, you’re going to have to let me explain, because I seriously doubt you’re going to want to throw a fit when so many people are here.” He says quickly. I stick out my hand for my phone and huff. He looks at me for a moment.

“If you let me explain-”

“Give me my phone.” I interrupt him once more.

“I was going to say, if you let me explain, then I will give you your phone.” He finishes what he was going to say before I interrupted him. I glare at him.

“Fuck no. Give me my phone.” I say in the most annoyed tone that I have.

“No. Not until you let me explain.” He says firmly, putting MY phone in HIS pocket. I’m almost fuming at him, he better not push it too far here tonight, or else I really will throw a fit in front of all the people who come for this party tonight.

“I won’t listen to your explanation because it is a waste of my time and it’s probably mostly a lie, I wouldn’t doubt.” I tell him.

“Well then you’re not going to get your phone back.” He says, ending the conversation before walking out of the room. I stand there, glaring after him as I watch him play on his phone in the kitchen, sat on one of the counters, like he used to do in my kitchen back in Cheshire.


Author's Note: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a while! I've been so busy with school and work and family stuff. I really am sorry. Take this little update gratefully, and be expecting another update soon. I love you guys(: Who all watched 1DDay? I did! It was great. I was trying to update while watching it, but that of course failed. I'm sorry guys! Don't forget to comment what you think and vote!! I love you all!

Stay Beautiful♥

Hope .xx

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