Chapter Twenty-Four <3

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“What happened, love? Do you need me to come over?” He asks quickly, worry taking over his voice. I swallow a big lump in my throat and let out a soft cry.

“Please..” I sniff, struggling to drive home, talk on the phone, and wipe my tears simultaneously.

“I’ll be there soon.” He says instantly and hangs up. I always knew he’d be there at a seconds notice for me.

        When I pull into the driveway of my house, I see that Ed is a already there. He runs over to my car and helps me out, cradling me in his arms the second I’m standing.

“What on earth happened, my sweet?” He coos in my ear, rocking me back and forth, his massive hands stroking up and down my back. I sniff back more tears, trying to stop the endless stream.

“It’s Harry… he ca-called earlier and s-said it was-s you!” I sob out, my head buried in his neck. “And h-he said he missed m-me! And I shru-ugged it off and… I went down to the lessons building… and his co-cousin w-works there! And… ugh! Ed!” I cry, burying my face further into his neck, crying so hard that I’m shaking and I have no control over it anymore.

“Shhh… you can tell me when you’re ready, love..” He whispers softly, kissing my head repeatedly. “Let’s get you inside, you’ve froze, lovely.” He sighs heavily, leading me up to the front door after he locks my car up for me. He walks inside, holding me in his arms. Immediately, Charlie and Teddy greet us, Teddy yipping at Ed and Charlie sniffing him like crazy. I sniffle back the tears and make an attempt to shoo them away, but Ed’s already walking past them.

“You’ve got such a nice place, Em.” He comments, sitting on the couch with me on his lap. He grabs a blanket and covers me up with it, holding me to his chest tightly. “Are you feeling alright?” He asks softly, his hands feeling my cheeks and forehead. I nod slowly, sniffling again.

“Yeah, I guess…” I murmur, burying my face in his neck. I don’t want Ed to think that I’m making any advances towards him, because I really just want some emotional and physical comfort right now, and the last thing I want to discuss is the answer to his asking me out.

“You feel a bit warm… Are you sure?” He asks, bringing his lips to my temple and placing a tender kiss to the soft skin.

“I’m feeling better now..” I mumble lowly, curling up and snuggling into him. His strong arms keep wrapped around me, holding me to his chest. I secretly thank God that he made Ed have such a strong and comforting body, because that’s honestly where I feel protected, in arms of people who I love. But I loved Ed differently… right? I didn’t love him like my boyfriend or future husband or any other sort of romantic interest. He was my good friend and I sort of just want it to stay that way.

“You’re still freezing though..” He sighs softly, one of his hands stroking up and down my back. I sigh heavily. His touch is very magnifying and loving, and I really enjoy it.

“I’m always cold, what’s new?” I ask in an emotionless sounding tone. His steady breathing changes slightly.

“Well, I want to make you warm.” He says in a deep voice, making it huskier than needed. I have a feeling there was a different meaning behind his words than just to make me warm, temperature wise. I have a feeling he wants to make me hot, if that’s the appropriate wording for what I think he’s hinting at.

        My thoughts are interrupted and answered when he moves his lips to my neck, his beard tickling. I draw in a sharp breath and let it out heavily.

“Ed..?” I manage to get out, my hands gently clawing at the fuzzy sweater he wears during the winter.

“Hm?” He hums, his lips working at a sensitive part of my neck. I let out an involuntary moan and I feel his lips twitch upwards in a smirk. I can’t stop my heart from racing as he draws his lips back to reveal his teeth and starts to nibble on this certain spot under my earlobe, making me let out another involuntary moan. I can’t seem to gather my thoughts and tell him to stop.

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