Chapter Six <3

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***One Year Later***

        It’s been a year since I moved here to England. And I’m happy to say that I’m getting along with everyone in the entire school, besides the bad boys and girls – they’re icky, as Stephanie says.

“EMMA!!!! IT’S BEEN A WEEK!!!!” Stephanie screamed, running up to me and attacking me in a hug. I laughed, hugging her back.

“I know!! It’s been so long!!” I giggled. Stephanie always tried to hang out with Katie and I, because Katie and I were better friends than anyone. So Stephanie was always jealous, and Katie and I always would laugh about it.

        Stephanie and I walked inside the school, walking to our lockers. I had forgotten my locker combination over the summer, so I had to ask for a new paper to remind me – like almost everyone else did. But as soon as I saw it, I instantly remembered it! Which was great, I wouldn’t want it to take weeks for me to learn all over again.

“Hi, Emma…” I heard a deep voice beside me speak. I looked up, a bit startled. I took a good look at the face that was talking, and realized it was Harry. How strange… we haven’t spoken to each other in a long time. Well, I surely wasn’t going to be mean to him – though I was sort of upset that we just stopped talking for a stupid reason.

“Hi-” “Emma, let’s go!” Stephanie interrupted me. I quickly put my bag in my locker and shut it before running up to meet with Stephanie, Katie and Leigh.

        We walked to our first class together, meeting up with the rest of the girls. There were 14 of us girls in our own little clique, and we only had about 20 girls in our entire grade. The rest were boys, but there were only about 13 boys in the popular jock clique. To which, all of my friends had boyfriends except for me. I didn’t mind though, I just kind of thought relationships were cute but not really my thing.

“Oh em gee! Ryan is so cute! He sent me this adorable picture of himself in his underwear!” Stephanie giggled, a blush appearing on her cheeks. Us girls laughed and shook our heads. Stephanie was the slut out of all of us, and she knew it. She had been dating Ryan off and on for the summer, and they finally decided to just stay together for once.

“I think my boyfriend is the best here.” Iris said in a stuck up sounding voice. Laraey cut in immediately, being the stupid twins they are, they always fight with each other. Twins dating twins… it was never a good idea. But Iris and Laraey Nal were cute with Samuel and Ezekiel River. The four made a cute couple.

        Classes passed by very quickly, mostly just informing us on the school and rules and stuff like that. So Kat and I talked all day long – we had every class together. But at the end of the day, my principle called me back to talk to him.

“Yes, sir, is something wrong?” I asked him, sitting up straight in the chair in his office. He looked at me seriously before opening his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“Emma…” He started, trying to find words, I guess. “Emma, your grades have significantly dropped since the beginning of last year. Is something wrong?” He asked, concerned.

“No, nothing’s wrong, sir.” I answered honestly. He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Well, I’ve got some students who voluntarily wanted to help tutor you… I’m allowing you to choose who you’d like to tutor you…” He said, showing me a clipboard with five people listed down. Two of them were the smelliest girls in our entire grade, another two were the biggest nerds who got the lowest grades possible. Then the last one was, of course, Harry. I rolled my eyes. These were awful people he picked… well… besides Harry, but Harry and I barely talked… so… it’d just be awkward now.

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