Chapter Seventeen<3

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It’s been almost a year since Harry and I last talked. He’s been so busy with the X-Factor… but he should still be able to text or call me a couple times, right? I mean, he’s having fun and all with his band mates, and I’m really happy for him! But I don’t feel like I’m even apart of his life anymore. I knew he did care about me, or at least… I thought he did… I’m hoping he does… but he hasn’t said anything to Anne or Gemma about me. I’ve talked to both of them; none of them said he had anything to say about me. I’m starting to think I’m not even crossing his mind anymore – which is probably true.

        **Two months later**

        “Honey, I’m wishing you the best of luck here. I know you’ll do great no matter where you go, just remember to call me every day when you get the chance. I love you, sweetheart.” My mum said, hugging me tightly as I hugged her back.

“I love you, mum..” I breathed, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. She and I were both sad that I had bought a house in London and was planning on living here. Holmes Chapel is at least four hours away from London, which kills me. I wanted to be close to her, but my job has pulled me here. The good thing is that I have a really nice house now, and a new friend. She’s very nice and helpful when I don’t understand something.

“Don’t cry, sweet… I’ll come visit you often, and you better come visit me, too.” She spoke in a whisper, tears already falling down her cheeks. I wiped them away and kissed her cheek.

“I will, I promise.” I gave her an assuring smile and pulled away from her. She smiled back and waved before walking out the front door. I watched her get in her car and drive off. Now I was all alone.


        I unpacked the rest of the things, as my mum helped me unpack everything else. It went by fairly quick, which was sad. I wanted time to fly. It was going to get so boring here every day by myself, and that was only expected, really.

        My phone vibrated in my pocket, informing a new text. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. It was from my new friend, Runa!

“I wanted to come over and see the new house! Are you ready for me?” She texted me. I quickly replied with a, “Yep!” and set my phone down on the kitchen counter. Everything was so sparkly clean and new. Granite countertops, stainless steal appliances, hardwood glassy white wood floors. I loved this house so much, it just felt so empty. Some of the rooms had a vintage tint to it, and I loved every square inch of it. It had two bedrooms, a master bedroom which was my room, and a guest bedroom. It had four bathrooms, which was a little unnecessary. It had a huge kitchen and a huge dining room, and the living room was very, very large. But I swear it was impossible to hate this house. And it didn’t even cost me that much! Course my job paid for it mostly, but I still had to pay for a bit. I wasn’t complaining one bit, though! It was amazing.

        I had showered and changed into sweatpants and an oversized sweater and put my hair up in a messy bun before Runa showed up, dressed in comfy clothes as well. I guess ever since I met her at the Creative Writing portion of my job, we’ve just always been comfortable with each other. She’s an amazing writer; it’s obvious why she got that job. She also got another job as I, the Art portion of my job. She’s an amazing artist, too! You see, my job is basically four jobs into one. All my jobs are located in the same building. And this building is huge! It’s for Performing Arts, and only the really talented people can get in! If you’re lucky, you can get more than one job there! I got four jobs there! I work in the Acting bit, the Singing/Musical bit, the Art bit, and the Writing bit! It’s an amazing job and I wouldn’t have asked for anything more than that.

        “Runa!” I yelled, running over to the front door and opening it. She laughed and hugged me tightly, as I hugged her back just as tight.

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