Chapter Twenty-Six<3

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When I wake up that morning, I realize that Ed is still here. I smile and look up from the darkness that his neck has kept for my eyes. He’s snoring softly and cutely, holding me so tightly to him. I reach up and caress his cheek gently.

“Ed?” I mumble softly, nuzzling his neck and curling up in his arms. He stirs lightly, hugging me tighter to him, sniffling a bit. I notice his cheeks are stained with… tears? I guess. I pout and wipe the tears away and kiss his nose. He makes a soft plea to sleep longer but I shake my head.

“Ed, babe, it’s time to wake up..” I breathe, nuzzling his jaw. He smiles sleepily and his hand trails to the back of my neck, stroking there gently. I smile and kiss his cheek.

“Why do I have to get up?” He asks, his voice all husky and deep, groggy, too. I stroke his beard gently and lean up to peck his lips.

“Because I’m getting up.” I try to fight my smile, but it fails when he opens one eye to peer at me. He laughs softly and cuddles me to him once more.

“I’m not ready yet..” He murmurs gently.

“Ed, c’mon, you’ve got to get ready for your drive to your parents’ house.” I try to persuade him. I look back down at him and sigh, his eyes are closed again. I smile halfway and stand up. I kiss his forehead before walking into the kitchen to make us some breakfast. Well, try to make breakfast. I’m pretty sure that I have eggs down, and French Toast. I’m working on Pancakes. But hey, I’m getting there. I decide to make us some omelets, seeing as how I’m good at that. I turn on the radio to a decent volume so Ed can sleep until it’s time to eat.


        “You’re gonna hear me roar-oh-oh-ohhh!” I sing to Katy Perry’s Roar song that came on the radio. It’s a catchy tune, but it’s not necessarily my favorite genre of music. I’m more of an indie music person, and Ed’s music is possibly my favorite thing to listen to. The song ends and then Wake Me Up comes on next. What a coincidence! I laugh to myself and continue to cook the omelets. As I sing along, I feel a strong pair of hands rest on my hips. I smile, knowing exactly who it is. I continue to sing as Ed hums along softly in my ear. His morning voice is something I will always be fascinated with.

“And you will never know just how beautiful you are to me…” He sings in my ear. I smile and blush, listening to him sing to me. When the song finishes, he gently tugs me away from the oven and turns me around, pulling me to him by my hips. He smiles at me and kisses my nose.

“You’re going to love my new song… it’s written just for you…” He breathes, holding me to him tightly. I look up at him, a rosy color appearing on my cheeks. “’Cause all that you are is all that I’ll ever need… I’m so in love…” He sings from what I’m guessing is from his new song. He leans in slowly and closes his eyes. And what happens next doesn’t really take me by surprise, but the feeling that I feel when his lips touch mine is very surprising. I feel love and pure emotion behind the kiss. I close my eyes, too, and completely melt into him.


Author's Note: Hi, everyone! I'm a bit busy, so this is all I could write today! But I decided to because I'm not bombarded with homework for once tonight! I'm sorry it's so short :( Please don't be mad, I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Five votes and five comments before my next update?? :D I know you guys can do it!

Stay Beautiful♥

Hope .xx

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