Chapter Sixteen<3

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***Same Day***

***Emma’s P.O.V. ***

        I flipped on the telly in the living room to the channel the X-Factor was on, and luckily, I was just in time for Harry’s Audition. He was starting to be interviewed by that annoying host. I smiled at Harry – though I knew he couldn’t see – because he looked so happy yet so nervous. He had nothing to worry about, and I would hope he knew, also, that he had nothing to worry about. Without any sort of vocal training before the show, he was amazing compared to all the other contestants who have probably all had vocal lessons before. I know Harry hasn’t. He’s a natural. He was born a singer. I know he’ll become famous, I just know it. He’s gonna be huge one day. I just worry that our friendship will fall out… and hopefully it won’t.

        I watched the TV intently as Harry sang. He was so good! There’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll make it!

“WHAT?!” I screamed, standing up instantly.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” My mum rushed over to me.

“That Louis Walsh said no to Harry!!” I screamed, quite upset. “OH MY GOD HE MADE IT!!!! MUM HE MADE IT ON THE X-FACTOR!!!!!” I screamed, jumping up and down with my mum who decided to scream with me. I KNEW HE’D MAKE IT, I JUST KNEW IT!

“So what does this mean now?!” She asked, smiling brightly as we both hugged each other and jumped up and down.

“He’s going through to the next round!! He could win and become famous!” I squealed, crying because I’m so happy for him. My mum screamed once more and hugged me.

“I’m so happy!” We screamed simultaneously.

        After ten minutes of freaking out, we sat on the couch and watched the rest of the show, enjoying the awful and really great performances. But Harry’s performance was definitely my favorite.

Author's Note: I promised to update twice, and my parents are now kicking me off -.- Ugh. Anyways! I wanted to say something in the last chapter that I didn't get to, I sang Isn't She Lovely for a special choir called Chorale (they're amazingly talented!) and I made it! There were only three spots left for auditions and I made it! I cried I was so happ! Five votes and five comments!?

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