Chapter Ten <3

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I opened my locker and put my books in my bag at the end of the day, getting ready to go home.

“Ew, you slut! How could you do that with Harry?! He’s so sweet and nice and you just do that because of your perverted mind!” I heard someone yell behind me. I turned around instantly, looking at who was speaking. It was Stephanie, the rest of the girls right behind her as they all glared at me.

“W-what…?” I asked quietly, stuttering. Stephanie scoffed at me, as the rest of them gawked at me.

“You forced Harry to get naked and you jacked him off. You basically almost had sex with him on his couch! How much of a slut can you be?!” She yelled. Katie shook her head at me, the one I was better friends with.


“Just save it. You’re an ugly bitch anyways.” She spat. “I feel terrible for Harry. He deserves any other girl besides you.” She snapped before walking away with her clique. I just sort of stood there, stunned. How did they find out about that? It was a completely different story, but still… how did they know??

        “Hey, Em.” I heard behind me. It sounded familiar, and happier than when I had heard it before. I spun around quickly.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” I screamed, as the hall was empty besides he and I. Harry stared at me in shock.

“What?” He asked, his eyebrows narrowing.

“Don’t you dare act like you don’t fucking know! You bastard! You told them! And not only did you tell them, but you told them a completely different story!” I was steaming mad, pushing at his rock-hard chest. Harry grabbed my arms tightly, holding me back a little.

“What did I tell? Who did I tell? What’s going on, Em?” He asked, pretending like he didn’t even know. I glared at him, my jaw shut tight and my entire body tensed.

“You’re a fucking loser. Leave me the hell alone.” I spat at him before ripping myself away from him and grabbing my bag and slamming my locker door before running out of the school in tears.

***Three Months Later***

        It’s been three months and Harry hasn’t talked to me. No one has. In fact, the only things said to me are hate comments from, literally, everyone. I’ve started to get beaten up during the day. You know, the usual, thrown at lockers, pushed down, punched, kicked, all that. It’s all happened so fast. I still don’t know how everyone found out, especially the wrong story, and I don’t think I want to know how everyone found out. It’s ridiculous. They don’t even know the true story. Harry has significantly gotten more popular and more female attention as I keep getting lowered to the lowest person at school.

        “Ugly, just wait till lunch. I hope you’re prepared for everything and anything.” Stephanie smiled creepily at me before walking off. My new name has been Ugly for the longest time now. I sighed heavily, the tears already starting up in my eyes as I grabbed my gym clothes and headed to the gym.

        As I ran around the gym, I saw Stephanie and the rest of the clique laughing and pointing at me. I was faster than them, and I know I wasn’t running weird or anything… what could they possibly be laughing at? Ugh.

        I went into the girls locker room and found my locker… all the way in the back, the very last locker... that was also the dirtiest and the one that had hateful comments carved into it. One stuck out to me especially. “Kill yourself, Ugly. No one cares.” Is what it read. I sighed, my bottom lip quivering. What if no one really did care?

“Hey, Ugly!” I turned around only to be greeted by a fist to my face. I fell back on the cold hard floor, my nose bleeding instantly. I curled up as all the girls started kicking me and hitting me and screaming things at me. I was crying out in pain and curled up so tightly – just wishing I could disappear.

        After their daily bullying session, they all walked away, laughing and mimicking my whimpers of trying to cry out. After about five minutes of regaining myself, I got up, very unsteadily, and got changed into my other clothes as everyone left the locker room. I couldn’t help but notice my skin had been a canvas for nothing but scars and bruises, and underneath, lie nothing but a dead soul.

        “Ms. Riley, you’re late.” I heard my History teacher state in an unimpressed tone. I nodded slowly, taking my seat in the back of the class.

“Sorry, I was still in gym.” I murmured.

“The other girls got here on time from gym.” She said with her eyebrows raised. My face went bright red as the students in the classroom started sniggering.

“Again, sorry.” I mumbled, flipping open my notebook and taking notes on the subject she was blabbering on about.


        I sat at my – as usual – empty table at lunch. My stomach was in knots about what Stephanie had said to me earlier. I, quite frankly, didn’t have any idea what she was going to do. And I had a feeling I didn’t want to know. I went up to get my lunch, and as just as I was leaving the line, I felt a hard jolt to my entire body. Before I knew what was happening, I was flying in the air until I landed inside of a garbage can filled with old, rotten food. I had no idea what had happened. And then the garbage can I was in, was knocked over, causing me to fall out of it and hit a wall. I smacked my head pretty hard, hard enough I couldn’t really hear or see or feel anything for a long time until an annoying ringing sound came through as the sound of my heartbeat did as well – beating pretty fast. I was already in tears and I hadn’t known it until I stood to my feet and ran out of the cafeteria as the entire room bellowed with laughter, even the staff was laughing. I was trying to throw all of the gross food off of me as I ran to my locker to grab my things and run home, but most of the things were stuck to me like glue.

        I ran down my hallway and smacked into something extremely hard. I fell back on my back and just layed there crying. I didn’t care who was around, I wasn’t going to face anyone.

“Emma?” I heard a soft deep voice ask. I was just sobbing uncontrollably, each sob racking my body forcefully, tears endlessly falling from my eyes. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, picking me up and cradling me. I had buried my head and face into this person’s neck, not even seeing or caring who it was. They carried to my locker and grabbed my things, then carried me out of the building and into a car. I was honestly hoping it was some sort of a murderer to kill me and end this misery. I literally couldn’t feel anything anymore. They put me in the passenger’s seat and got in the driver’s seat. I never looked up to see who it was. I didn’t want to. I was fine with not knowing. I just curled up in the seat and cried and sobbed as this person drove me off somewhere.

        The car abruptly stopped and this person got out and got me out, carrying me somewhere.



Author's Note: Thanks for commenting and voting! You all are so amazing! This time, I'm gonna ask for ten comments and maybe ten votes?? :O We'll see! If you all succeed, you're amazing! Who do you think took Emma? And where do you think they took her?! Anyways, love you all(:

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