Chapter Eleven<3

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“I’m sick and tired of them treating you like this.” This person said. I could tell it was a guy, but I didn’t recognize the voice very well.

“Same here.” I murmured quietly. I still hadn’t looked up at the person – fearing if I’d like it or not.

“Why haven’t you told anyone?” He asked. I could limit it down as a guy, because of the voice.

“I thought everyone could see… and I didn’t think anyone cared.” I spoke quietly, wiping the tears that fell from my eyes. I didn’t like crying in front of people, but I was sore all over and I was bloody from this morning in gym and now I just flat out stunk like garbage. This guy wrapped his strong-ish arms around me. I say strong-ish, because… Harry’s…. arms were stronger. He kissed my head and hugged me tightly – just barely durable.

        After ten minutes or so, I looked up at the guy holding me. I regretted it instantly. It was my principle. This got awkward really fast.

“P-Principle Powel…?” I stuttered, moving away from him quickly.

“Calm down, Emma, I was trying to comfort you.” He explained nervously. I shook my head and got up quickly from the couch in his living room he had carried me to. I walked over to the front door when I had managed to find it.

“Emma, wait!” He called out to me. I was not waiting. I wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. As I was walking past the threshold, I was suddenly pulled back inside. I let out a scream and a hand clasped tightly over my mouth. I was pushed back against a wall and I heard the door being locked. I tried screaming again, but was quickly cut off by a slap to my right cheek. I let out a gasp as I collapsed to the floor. My principle darkly glared down at me.

“You’ll do as I say, Emma.” He growled fiercely, pinning me onto the floor as he moved his lips towards my neck. I tried wiggling away from him and whimpering as my protest, but he was much stronger than me, but not nearly as strong as Harry.

“You. Will. Do. As. I. Say.” His voice was stern and angry, scary. I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes tightly as he bit my neck hard. It hurt. One hand of his held both my wrists above my head. His other hand found a pair of handcuffs. He handcuffed my hands behind my back and had his way with my clothed body. His hands literally felt all over me. And I couldn’t do anything to stop him, as he had also taped my mouth and taped my ankles together. The only thing I could do was squirm, and that only led him to slap me across the face.

        “You’re being a good girl so far, Emma…” He breathed in my ear. I knew he wasn’t drunk, as he didn’t smell like alcohol. One hand stroked the hair out of my face and the other slipped into my skirt and panties. I squirmed and tried to scream but then he slapped me. He slapped me so hard that I blacked out….


        I had rudely been jolted awake by a strange feeling in my lower half. It had taken me a few minutes to realize what was happening. I was being raped by my principle.

Author's Note: You didn't succeed my request guys :( I wanted ten votes and ten comments! But I only got three comments and six votes :/ Well, it's better than nothing! Anyways, how about five votes and five comments?? Love you guys c;

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