Chapter Twenty-Five <3

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“I’m so scared.” Runa says in a faint whisper, her skin pale white and her eyes wide and her body shaking. I can’t help but giggle at her. She’s so overreacting. I don’t think she understands that he’s just as nervous as she is, if not more.

“Relax, you’re gonna be fine.” I smile, kissing her cheek. She let out a huge breath that she’d been holding in.

“What if I’m not good enough for him? What if he changes his mind about me?” She questions, over thinking everything. I push a finger to her lips and smile.

“Shush. You’re beautiful, and he’s going to love you no matter what.” I breathe assuringly. She looks into my eyes and relaxes a bit. “You’re just nervous, it’s normal.” I smile and kiss her nose before pulling out a blow-dryer and drying her wet hair from her shower. She’s so cute, getting all gussied up for Jordan tonight. Once her hair was dry, I combed through it and curled it, then braided it up in a fancy hairdo. I was fully satisfied with my hairdo on her, particularly because I’ve never been able to do hair this good before. I smiled contentedly and showed her. She smiled in satisfaction and I pulled her away from the mirror and began putting her makeup on; doing her eyelashes, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, foundation, lips, anything else that could be done to make her even more flawless than she already was. She was impeccably beautiful without makeup, and I will forever be jealous of her for that.

“Now, for the clothes.” I smiled. I ran to her closet and pulled out a push-up bra, cute panties, a casual/fancy dress, and some comfortable flats. I handed them to her and smiled. “The princess may get ready now.” I said before walking out of the room to let her get dressed out of her bathrobe.

“You girls almost done up there?! It’s been nearly three hours!” I hear Ed groan from downstairs. I laugh and look down over the ledge at the top of the stairs.

“We’re nearly finished.” I call to him, motioning him to come upstairs. The smile he gives me is a smile of relief and love. I reach for his hand once he reaches the top of the stairs and he pulls me in his arms for a hug.

“I can’t wait to get back to your house and just hang out.” He murmurs, hugging me tightly. I kiss his chest softly, wrapping my arms around him as best I can with my arms being so short.

“I can’t either… I just feel so exhausted and stressed out.” I sigh softly, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. He kisses my head and nods.

“I can tell…” He breathes softly, his hands moving up and down my back.

“You can?” I look up at him curiously. He smiles down at me and nods.

“I’ve known you for a long time, just a couple years went by and I’m a little rough trying to interpret how you’re feeling now, but I’m getting better, don’t you think?” He asks with a smug sounding tone. I roll my eyes and laugh softly.

“Yeah, I must say that you are getting better.” I kiss his jaw softly and pull away from him just before Runa opens her door, beautiful as always. I gasp and smile brightly.

“See how good I am?” I smirk, folding my arms – completely fulfilled with my work. Runa laughs and walks over to me, hugging me tightly. I smile and hug her back.

“Good luck tonight, I’ll know you’ll do great with him.” I tell her, kissing her cheek before we part. Runa’s elegance is so much better than mine. She’s taller than me, and she’s got the body of a model, and also the face of a model. But her personality is like an angels. Me, on the other hand, I’m very short, and I’ve got more curves than Runa, but she’s still got her beautiful curves. I’m jealous of her. My face is ugly and hers is so perfect and flawless. It’s so unfair.

“Thank you, Em… I couldn’t do this without you.” She smiles, pulling out her phone to check her messages. “He’s here. I’ll call you tomorrow and tell you everything.” She says to me before rushing out of the door and to Jordan’s car. I watch her outside the window and smile. They’re so cute together.

“You ready to head back?” Ed asks me, swinging his keys around his fingers. I turn to him and nod, reaching for his hand. He grabs my hand and locks Runa’s house up for her before we walk out and get in his car, driving back to my house.


        Once we got back to my house, Ed cooked us some dinner, as I can’t cook… at all. Then we ate and talked and everything, just hanging out and laughing like friends. Then we headed to the couch and he turned on a movie for us and cuddled up with me.

        I was curled up under his arm, my head on his chest, covered with a blanket.

“Em?” He asked softly, stroking my hair. I look up at him sleepily.

“Hm?” I hum, my hand gently rubbing his chest. He pulled me onto his lap and snuggled me to him.

“Have you had enough time to think?” He asks in such a soft whisper, his lips moving to my jaw. My mind starts clouding with thoughts of what my response should be. I don’t know what to think, actually. I haven’t had all that much time to really think about being his or not. I mean… I feel like our relationship has grown, definitely, but I’m afraid of being his… that’s a whole other commitment right there. And he’s leaving for tour soon, so it just doesn’t add up to be a good idea. I don’t want to risk our friendship in any way, shape or form, because he’s definitely one of the most important people in my life, without a doubt.

“Uh… yes…” I squeak out. What am I doing? No, I haven’t had enough time to think about this. His face lights up for a minute, before realizing I haven’t agreed to be his.

“What’s your answer then, love?” He asks softly, his thumb stroking my cheeks. I shiver at his soft touch. It’s such a completely divergent feeling than what it should be…

“Yes.” I speak below the hearing level, yet he’s able to hear me just fine. I honestly can’t tell if it’s really me speaking or the sleep taking over. I don’t even think it matters at this point. Ed hugs me to him tightly, kissing all over my face. I make a sleepy smile at him and curl up on him.

“I love you so much.” He breathes and I nod in return, closing my eyes. And a few moments passed and I’m asleep with Ed softly singing in my ear.


Author's Note: Hi, guys! I can't believe how many reads, votes, and comments I have! It's such an amazing feeling! This chapter was inspired by Ed Sheeran's new song, Tenerife Sea. Go look it up. It brought me to tears. His voice is so angelic, it's not fair! I've had a pretty busy week! How has your guys' weeks been so far? Everyone sick and tired of school yet? I am!

Please, please, PLEASE! Comment, vote, and read! Also, once again, if you follow me, I follow back! Trust me! If I haven't followed you back, which most likely wouldn't happen, then just tell me, I surely will!

I love you all!

Stay Beautiful♥

Hope .xx

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