Chapter 4 - Camping

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I sit in the back of my truck beside Merle's bike and stare up at the night time above me, taking in it's beauty. The stars shine brightly above us, creating beautiful patterns within it's sky. The sound of multiple voices echo from all around me, ruining my moment. I sit up and take in the mass throng of people who stand outside of their cars, waiting for some sort of movement to begin.

As far as the eye can see, the road is completely gridlocked. We've been like this for the past two days. Every three hours or so the line moves forward and we go forward by about ten metres or so. We waited three days before we got into the car and made our way towards Atlanta. We got about an hour or two worth of driving to the city when we hit the end of the jam. We're about half an hour out of Atlanta, being able to see the city lights in the distance if you stand in the forest of the side of the road.

I look forward and see Merle and Daryl making their way towards the truck. They reach me and climb up into the truck bed, handing me a packet of beef jerky, "This is all you could get?"

Daryl nods, "Yeah and it was a fucking rip off too." He mutters.

"Cost us six cigarettes for that. Another four for a bottle of water." Merle adds and I look at them in shock.

"That's ridiculous." I say, shaking my head as I look down at the packet.

"Would have been better off hunting." Daryl says and I look at him, "And cook with what? I just hope this jam ends soon and that we will be able to get out of here to the evacuation centre soon." I say, opening up the packet.

I take a slice and hold the packet out to the guys, who take a slice for themselves. I chew at the meat, eating it slowly to conserve it. None of us thought to bring any food more than a packed lunch and some snacks for the road, thinking we would be in there by now. We brought plenty of water, running fairly low after two days though. I stare off in front of me towards the city when suddenly flashes of light fill the sky.

"What the hell is that?" I say, kneeling up to see better.

The guys turn and look towards the city the lights flash again, "I don't know."

I climb off the truck as walk towards the woods, the guys flanking either side of me. We walk into the woods and see people staring at the city along with us. Suddenly we hear he sound of helicopters and I look around, spotting them after a moment. They fly towards the city and soon we see buildings go up in flames.

"Oh my god." I breath out, my hands covering my mouth as I stare at the horror before me.

"They're napalming the city." Daryl states.

"Why would they do that?" I whisper over the sounds of others screams and whimpers.

"It's the end of the world Darling." Merle says and I turn my head to look at him.

He stares at the city for a moment before turning and looking at the two of us, "We need to get out of here now." He states, turning and walking away.

Daryl and I exchange a look before following after him, "Where are we meant to go?" I ask.

"We prepared for this Darling, that's why we have the other supplies." Merle says as we reach the road.

"No Merle, where are we going to go? If they've napalmed Atlanta then there is no where else for us to go. We can't go back to our town, they've already gotten in there." I say as we reach our truck.

"We stay in the woods right? Find somewhere to set up camp until this thing is sorted out?" Daryl says, looking to his older brother.

Merle nods his head, "Exactly and we gotta get out of here now before we get into another gridlock." He says, opening up the cab door.

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