Chapter 59 - East

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My heart feels heavy in my chest as the water cascades over my body in a warm torrent. When Glenn and I got back yesterday, we found out some extremely horrible news. On their run yesterday, Daryl, Rosita and Denise were attacked by a group of saviours along with Abraham and Eugene. They killed Denise and injured Eugene.

Once I heard, I immediately made to the infirmary and brought him home, dumping the bag of supplies from the pharmacy in our bedroom doorway and bringing him over to our bed. Daryl has taken Denise's death particularly hard and I know that he is blaming himself for what happened to her. We spent the night in bed just holding one another, him needing the reassurance and comfort during the time

A sadness has settled over the community as well as a new set of fear. If a group of saviours attacked, then that means we didn't get them all. If we didn't get them, which means Negan is most likely still alive and aware of us now and more than likely our agreement with the hilltop. With this being the case, we are most likely now in store for a war with these saviours which we need to prepare for.

I reach for the knob and turn off the water, the bathroom filling with silence. I stand there for a long moment before ringing out my hair and stepping out of the shower, steam billowing around me. I towel dry my hair before wrapping the towel around myself and walking towards our bedroom. There's no sound in the house and I notice that Daryl's crossbow is missing.

I raise my eyebrow in confusion and quickly dress myself before making my way downstairs and out of the house. I see his bike is missing and I wonder what the hell is going on, making my way towards the gates of Alexandria. As I turn on to the Main Street, I see Rick and Tobin walking ahead of me and I see the agitation in them both.

I jog towards them and call out, "Rick! What's going on?" I ask.

He looks over at me with a grim look, "Carol is gone."

"What?" I ask in shock and Tobin nods his head, "Yeah, she slipped out while I was sleeping." He says and I can see he is worried about his girlfriend.

"What time did she leave? What'd she take?" Rick asks him as we walk.

"Some time in the night, I never heard her go. But she made a bunch of food, you know, she took a pack." He explains.

"Did she leave on foot?" Rick asks.

"I don't know." He says, shaking his head frustratedly as we reach the front gates.

"Rick. I took over at twelve, I was on till six. I never saw anything." Sasha explains, standing next to Abraham and Morgan.

"The front been quiet since the others left." Abraham says and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"What? Who?" Rick asks, voicing our question.

Abraham looks at me before turning back to Rick, "Daryl, he went after those saviours from yesterday. Glenn, Michonne, Rosita, they all went to shut that shit down." He explains and my heart stops beating.

"Where's the other car?" I hear Tobin muse from beside the gate and we all turn to look at him, "We added two more cars yesterday, one of them is missing. We put it right between those houses."

"You can barely see between the houses from up top, especially at night." Abraham informs us.

"The note, can I see it?" Morgan asks and Rick hands it too him before turning to Sasha, "You never saw any head lights? Tail lights? She's smart enough to cover her tracks."

"She must have left during the shift change." She says and I notice Morgan turn and walk towards a car.

"Where're you going?" Rick calls out after him.

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