Chapter 14 - Cherokee Rose

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We drive down the long driveway towards the farm house and I can't help but look around in awe. The land is beautiful and untouched, something that I'd never thought I'd see again. In the fields I see the livestock, grazing and enjoying the early morning sun. I sit in the front seat of the RV, Carol and Andrea driving Shane's car as well as the Cherokee.

Daryl rides on in front of us, the bike rumbling underneath him as he rides. He looks glorious, in his element and I forgot how much he loved bikes. A small smile twitches on my lips and I see us approach the house. We pull out in front of the house, the girls parking beside us and we get out. The front door opens with Rick, Lori and T-Dog walking out. Glenn and Shane stand by a bunch of people I've never seen before and the woman from yesterday. Rick walks forward and looks completely pale, the worst I've ever seen him.

"How is he?" Dale asks, voicing our collective question.

"He'll pull through. Thanks to Hershel and his people." Lori says with a relieved smile.

"And Shane. We'd have lost Carl if not for him." Rick says.

I let out a relieved breath and hug Lori after Carol let's her go, her giving me a tight squeeze, "How'd it happen?" Dale asks.

"Hunting accident. That's all, just a stupid accident." Rick explains.

I let out a nod and turn to him, "Well I'm glad he's okay." I say, stepping forward and giving him a hug.

He holds me tightly for a moment before letting go and I step back. T-Dog walks over to me and I hug him, "How're you feeling?" I ask, looking down at his bandaged arm.

"Much better, those drugs worked wonders." He says, looking past me to Daryl who nods his head in return.

The front door opens and an older man walks out dressed in a suit with a walking stick. He has a bible tucked underneath his arm and he turns to us all, "We will begin to service shortly." He says.

He walks down the steps, with whom I assume is his family following him. I turn to T, "Who're they?"

"The older man, that's Hershel. He's the one who saved Carl's life. The older woman is Patricia, she helped patch up my arm. The oldest of the two girls is Maggie, the one who got Lori yesterday. And the other two are Jimmy and Beth." He explains.

"What's with the service?" Daryl asks from behind me.

"One of their people, Otis, helped Shane get the supplies for Carl last night. He, uh, didn't make it back." He explains.

I sigh sadly, "That's awful."

He nods and Rick steps towards us, "We're gonna head over with them now."

We nod our head and follow the family down towards where they will be holding the funeral service. We stop under a large beautiful tree with a lookout over the fields. There are a mass amount of rocks already in a pile as Hershel addresses us all, "As a symbol of our grieving and love for Otis, we shall put a stone on the pile." He says as he picks up one and places it on top of the rocks.

Maggie walks forward and places down a stone as tears stream down her face. A lot of our group stands back, not wanting to intrude while a few others place a stone down. Rick and Lori go together and place one down before the woman, Patricia does it as she holds back sobs. I stand beside Daryl as I watch the young girl, Beth walk forward and place down a rock, followed closely behind by the young boy Jimmy.

"Blessed be God. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to him, for the gift of our brother Otis. For his span of years, for his abundance of character. Otis who gave his life to save a child. Now more than ever, our most precious asset." Hershel begins, looking down at his bible every once in awhile.

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