Chapter 56 - Knots Untie

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Two Months Later
I fall down onto Daryl's bare chest, trying my best to catch my breath as the pleasurable feeling begins to settle down over me. Daryl runs his has hand up and down my bare sack, his other hand placed on my hip. My naked body moves up and down as Daryl breaths and I can't help but chuckle. I lift my head up and look into his eyes, a large smile on my face.

"What're you smiling about?" He asks.

I shake my head, "Nothing. It's just I missed moments like this. Once the prison fell, I didn't think we'd get anything like it again."

A smile comes over his face and he nods his head, "Yeah, but we got them now." He says.

I lean forward and place my hands on the bed to lift myself up before placing my lips on his. The kiss is intense and is beginning to heat things up again when the alarm goes off on his bedside table. I reluctantly pull back from him and lean over, switching it off.

"This happens every morning." I groan frustratedly.

He chuckles before sitting up, making me sit up with him. I straddle his lap as he places his hands on either side of my face, giving me one last long kiss. My fingers grip his hair tightly, our breathing becoming heavier. All too soon he pulls back and looks up at me, "I gotta go get ready. Rick and I are heading out in an hour."

I keep my hands in his hair and begin to kiss at hiss collarbone, "You know you can always stay here in bed with me right?"

I hear him let out a moan before talking, "Don't get me wrong, I'd love too but I gotta go."

I sigh and pull back my head, the rest of my body still pressed tightly against him, "Look at my man being all responsible and helpful. It's really sexy."

"I swear your sex drive has gone up in the past couple of weeks, I can't even get out of bed in the morning without being attacked." He says in a teasing tone.

"I can stop if you want." I say going to move but he holds me tightly to him, "Don't even think about it." He says which causes me to smile before he pulls my lips to his.


The smell of the soup coming from the broth reaches my nose and smells delicious, something nice for us to have and that can be stretched out. We're running dangerously low on food and that's the reason Rick and Daryl head out most days like today. Maggie is attempting to use her knowledge of farming to make crops but there hasn't been anything yet.

I glance out the window and see that it is quite dark outside and can't help but worry slightly. Daryl and Rick should have been back hours ago but there's been no sign of them. I try my best not to worry, knowing they probably just ran into a mishap while out there. I stir at the soup when I hear the front door open and close. Footsteps make their way towards the kitchen and I hear him place something down.

"Smells good." He says, stepping behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smile and lean back into him, his scent surrounding me, "Should be ready in a few minutes." I state, placing down the ladle and turning to face him.

I place a longer kiss on his lips before pulling back and tucking my arms under his, "How was your run?" I ask, looking up into his face.

His eyes darken and he shakes his head, causing me to raise my eyebrow, "Bad huh?"

He grunts in agreement, "We found this truck, full of supplies. Enough to help us out for a while."

"What happened?" I ask.

Always (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now