Chapter 72 - Taking Refuge And Making New Strategys

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Sitting on the porch steps of the infirmary, I hold my head in my hands as I wait for some news. Apparently, Carol and Rick got Tobin to the infirmary and she did everything she could to patch up his leg, like she did for Hershel so long ago. She was able to help him, but in the process it meant that no one was able to help her. Now, she rests in bed with Tobin by her side. Daryl is in there too, not willing to leave her. I gave her a heartfelt goodbye before leaving and sitting on the front porch.

I wanted to be in there with him, give him the support but he insisted that I rest my leg and take a break for the baby. Rick is also in there, he passed out shortly after the fight ended. Doctor Carson is in there now with Michonne, Carl and Judith, waiting for him to wake up.

The smell of smoke reaches my nose, reminding me of the massive loss we endured today. We lost some good people, people who sacrificed their lives to help protect their community. The noise from the gunfire and grenades has drawn walkers, but nothing that we can't handle. A few of our people, including Glenn, Tara, Rosita and Morgan are out there now dealing with them. The door to the house opens and I lift my head up and turn to see Rick walk out with his family close behind him.

"Jesus." He whispers, taking in the aftermath.

I slowly rise to my feet as he walks forward, coming to a stop beside me, "We lost around half of the houses, mostly around the perimeter which meant they were empty. It could have been much worse."

"Who else?" He asks, his words hesitant.

I fold my arms over my chest, "We lost a few. The Orsen family, they were trying to make it to Deanna's house with some others. Betsy and Charles. Douglas and Hannah... Heath is organising the burials with Scott right now. They're digging a grave for Sasha... Carol as well."

His lifts his hand to his chin and rubs it as he shakes his head, "I never thought it would come to this. Did I do this? Is my fault?" He whispers, his body trembling.

Michonne steps forward and places her hand on his shoulder, "It was... And it is still justified if we can take Negan down. That's what we need to do, that's what you need to focus on."


We all turn and I see one of the men from our community, Connor, looking at Rick sadly and I stare at him confused, "I thought you were out with Jesus." I query.

"He's been cycling us out, keeping us rested. I'm just about to head back out now, but I wanted to speak with Rick first now that he's up." He states and I nod my head in understanding.

He turns and looks to Rick, "I gotta leave. It's not safe here... Half of my house burnt down. I gotta think about Paula and Mikey. Maggie and her people have been talking about leaving, going back to the Hilltop. I think I'd like to go with them."

Rick looks at him and nods, "I wouldn't ask anyone to stay here, and I'm not. We're all leaving."

I look at him and see his exhaustion, his frustration and anger. We thought this place would be safe, but as long as Negan is alive it isn't going to be. It's better if we all go to the Hilltop, safety in numbers and all that. We can plan the final phase and finally lay this war to rest. Connor nods and turns as he makes his way towards the gate.

I bite my lip before turning and looking to Rick, "There's something else."

"What?" Rick asks.

I let out a breath before meeting his eye, "Ezekiel is planning on leaving with his men."

"What?" Michonne gasps and I see Carl look at me in confusion.

"After the attack at the outpost, he hasn't been the same. And now this? He's planning on taking what's left of his men and going back to the kingdom." I explain.

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