Chapter 46 - What Happened and What's Going on

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Three Weeks Later
I stare out the window at the trees and grass as we speed past them. My head is rested against the headrest, my feet propped up on the edge of the seat. The car is silent as we drive, no one uttering a word. These past few weeks have been tough, all of us breaking down into shells of the people we used to be.

Maggie has been alternating between being numb and crying non stop. We've all tried to be there as best we can for her, but it's been hard. The same with Sasha, she has hidden away all signs of emotion after Bob died. Instead she has focused on nothing but survival, the emotions too much to handle. And Daryl... It's been a tough three weeks. He's withdrawn from the group considerably, wanting to be on his own a lot of the time. I've been trying my best to be there for him, to support him but it's been extremely difficult. At night if he isn't taking watch he will lay down beside me and barely say a word. And when he does speak to me, it's not the way it used to be. The way he's acting, the way he's been treating me...

"How far out?" Rick asks, breaking the silence in the cab.

Noah glances back at Rick before leaning over and looking at the dash of the car, "Five miles." He informs us.

Rick pulls up the walkie and speaks to Carol over the other side, "Hey Carol?"

"I'm here." She answers almost immediately.

"We're half way there, I just wanted to check the range." He states.

"Everybody's holding tight. We've made it five hundred miles, maybe this will be the easy part." She murmurs.

"Got to think we're due. Give us twenty minutes to check in." He says.

"We don't hear from you, we'll come looking." She answers.

"Copy that." He says before putting the walkie away.

It goes silent once more and I hear Noah murmur from the front seat to Tyreese, "I've been wanting to tell you something."

"What's that?" Tyreese asks, not taking his eyes off of the road.

"The trade... It was the right play. It worked, it did work. Just, something else happened after." He explains.

Tyreese shifts in his seat as tension fills the car at his words, "It went the way it had too, the way it was always going too."

"I never wanted to kill anybody before." Noah murmurs.

"I've wanted that." Tyreese states and I look up to see him looking back at me in the mirror before he faces the road once more, "It made so I didn't wanna see anything else but that. I wasn't facing it."

"Facing what?" Noah asks.

"What happened, what was going on. My Dad always told Sasha and me, that it was our duty as citizens of the world to keep up with the news. When I was little and I was in his car, there were always those stories on the radio. Something happens, a thousand miles away or down the block. Some kind of horror I couldn't even wrap my head around. But, he didn't change the channel. He didn't turn it off, he just kept listening. To face it, keeping your eyes open. My dad always called that 'paying the high cost of living.'" Tyreese explains.

"I lost my Dad in Atlanta." Noah says, "I think he would have liked yours. I've still got a Mom and a couple of twin brothers. I hope." He trails off.

"I hope so too." Tyreese says genuinely.

"Two more miles." Noah says to Rick after looking at the dash once more.

"Alright, let's pull into the woods. We'll go on foot, stay off the road." Rick instructs and Noah looks back at him confused, "We don't need too."

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