Chapter 26 - When The Dead Come Knocking

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"Carl get a blanket. Beth, water and a towel." I hear Rick instruct as they walk into the cellblock.

The continue talking and Daryl sits up, "I'll be right back." He says, getting to his feet.

I nod and he makes his way out do the cellblock as I hear our group continue to talk, "She's not coming in the cell blocks." Rick states and I can't help but wonder who he is talking about.

"It's alright, it's alright." I hear Rick say calmly, "Look at me, look at me."

He's quiet for a moment before he speaks again, "Who are you?"

There is suddenly a movement and Rick's tone remains calm, "Look, we're not going to hurt you, unless you try something stupid first. Alright?" He asks.

"Rick?" I hear Daryl call out, "Who the hell's this?" He asks.

"You wanna tell us your name?" Rick asks to the mysterious person.

There is nothing but silence and I hear Rick once more, "You wanna tell us your name?" He repeats.

There's even more silence and soon I hear Daryl speak again, "Yo, come on in here."

"Everything alright?" Rick asks.

"You're gonna wanna see this." Daryl states.

There a pause before Rick speaks, "Go ahead. Carl, get the bag."

I hear footsteps coming I to the cell block and I hear Rick once more, "We'll keep this safe and sound. The doors are all locked, you'll be safe here. Now we can treat that."

"I didn't ask for your help." I hear a woman answer after a moment, her voice laced with pain.

"Doesn't matter. Can't let you leave." I hear him say before I hear the cell block door shut and lock.

Footsteps make their way towards us and I soon see Daryl looking into the cell, a smile on his face as he sees me. Another figure stops beside him and I see that it's Rick. He turns and looks into the cell and freezes as his eyes lands on me, looking like he's seen a ghost. I lean forward on the bed and a small smile comes to my lips as I look at him, getting to my feet.

I chuckle and walk towards him, "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

He steps forward and pulls me into his arms, holding onto me tightly. I hear him breath happily into my eyes, a sniffle coming from him and I smile, spying the others behind him. My eye catches Daryl's and I wink at him as Rick holds me tightly. Hershel walks forward on the crutches and I pull away from Rick to hug him.

"Hello." He says with a massive smile as I wrap my arms around the old man.

"Hey." I breath, closing my eyes with a smile.

"Poor thing fought her way into a closet. Must have passed out dehydrated." Daryl explains to Rick.

I look past Hershel and my eyes land on Beth, focused on the small baby in her arms. A smile comes to my lips as I look at her, a happy tear falling down my face. I turn back and look at Rick with a smile when I see his face covered in pain. I look at him for a moment before my face drops, my hand resting on his chest. He shakes his head and a tear falls down my cheek.

He wipes at his eyes and I hold his face in my hand, "I'm sorry." I whisper through the tears.

I look over at Carl and see him choking up and I pull him against me, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist. I pull off his hat and lean down, placing a kiss on his hair as I hold him. My shirt becomes wet with tears, my tears falling into his hair. I can't believe it, Lori is gone. I don't know, I just always thought she would be there. But never in a million years did I picture this...

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