Chapter 10 - TS-19

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We all walk into the building on high alert, my gun in my hand. The front of the building is isolated and clean. I stare around as Rick continues to call out. People shout instructs to us but I barely hear them, too busy taking in the place.

"Hello!" A foreign voice shouts.

Everyone turns and guns are aimed towards the mysterious person. He is shrouded in the darkness, with a gun aimed at us, "Anybody infected?!" He yells.

"One of our group was... He didn't make it." Rick explains.

The man slowly approaches us, his eyes roaming over our group, "Why are you here? What do you want?" He asks.

"A chance." Rick says.

"That's asking an awful lot these days." The man states.

"I know." Rick admits as we all stare at this man.

He looks us over, his eyes lingering on the children before he speaks, "You all submit to a blood test, that's the price of submission."

"We can do that." Rick nods in agreement.

He lowers his gun, "You got stuff to bring in you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." He instructs.

Daryl, Glenn, Shane and Rick run out to grab our stuff while the rest of us wait, keeping an eye out for walkers. They run back in once they've retrieved everything and T-Dog and Dale close the door behind them.

"Vi, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." The man says after swiping his card.

The roller doors go down once more, sealing us in. I look at Daryl and I hobble over to him, taking my back pack away from him. I slip it onto my shoulders and we turn and look at the mysterious man, "My name is Doctor Edwin Jenner, if you would all follow me."

We follow after him as he leads us to an elevator and we all pile in. Daryl and I are in the corner and he looks at Jenner, "Doctor's always go around packing heat like that?"

"Well there were plenty left lying around, I familiarised myself." He says as he looks at all of us, "But you look harmless enough."

"Except you, I'll have to keep my eye on you." He says, smiling down at Carl who smirks in response.

We reach the bottom and the elevator doors open, all of us piling out after the man. He leads us through a long corridor and we follow him in silence.

"Are we underground?" Carol pipes up and he turns back to look at her, "You claustrophobic?" He asks.

"A little." She admits.

"Try not to think about it." He says, facing the front once more.

The long corridor leads us down into a large open room and Jenner calls out, "Vi, bring up the lights in the big room." He instructs.

Suddenly lights flicker to life, revealing the entire room. There is a ramp that leads down to a work platform with different rows of computers lined up along the platform. There are stairs leading down to different work areas as well.

"Welcome to zone five." Jenner says before continuing down the ramp.

"Where is everybody? The others doctors, the staff?" Rick asks, following after him.

"I'm it, it's just me here." He admits with a sad tone.

"What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?" Lori asks, her voice echoing around the empty room.

"Vi!" Jenner yells, "Say hello to our guests. Tell them... Welcome."

A robotic female voice echoes around us from a speaker system, "Hello guests. Welcome." She says in a monotone voice.

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