Chapter 58 - Twice As Far

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One Week Later

The toilet flushes and I get to my feet, stepping over to the sink and rinsing out my mouth. I hear footsteps coming and I look up to see Daryl fold his arms and look at me from the doorway, his eyes locked on me.

"Don't say it." I say, reaching over and grabbing the hand towel and wiping at my mouth.

"Don't say what?" He asks and I roll my eyes, "Don't say I told you so, I feel awful enough as it is." I say, the nauseas feeling in my stomach.

"Well I told you not to eat that spam." He says and I glare at him, "What did I just say?"

A smirk comes to his lips and I roll my eyes, "Fine, yes admittedly eating spam that was past its expiry date was a bad idea but it just looked really good."

"And now you've got food poisoning." He states and I nod my head, "Yeah, now I do."

"I told you so, but you wouldn't listen." He says as I walk past him and down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"Okay I get the point. Next time if the food is past the expiry date, I won't eat it." I say, grabbing a glass and filling it up with water.

I take a long drink before wiping at my mouth and looking up at him, "You going on a run today?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "No, Rick decided not to go out today."

"What's the plan then?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know... Maybe just work on the bike. What about you?" He asks as I take a long drink once more.

I swallow and turn, putting the glass in the sink to wash up later, "I'm heading out on a small run with Glenn later, checking out this little market and pharmacy place that Rosita and Spencer stumbled upon a couple of days ago."

"You sure you're up for that?" He asks.

I nod my head, "Yeah, I mean I was sick the last couple of days but I feel better now. Besides, Glenn needs someone to watch his back." I state.

"I'd rather you make sure you got better first." He says.

A smile comes to my lips and I step forward, wrapping my arms around his neck as I look up at him, "You're cute when you worry." I say as he places his hands on my hips.

He grunts and I tilt my head to the side, "I'll be fine, routine run."

"You sure?" He asks and I nod, "Yeah, you just work on your bike. Man, doesn't that bring back memories?" I say, thinking back.

"Merle and I working on the bike or truck while you would sit and watch us slave away." He teases and I shrug my shoulders, "What was I meant to do? You know I would have wrecked anything I touched."

He chuckles and nods, "Good thing you're pretty."

"Right back at you." I say and he rolls his eyes and I smile, leaning up on my toes and giving him a long kiss on the lips.

We kiss for a long time before I pull back and glance over at the clock on the wall, "I better go get ready, I'm meant to be meeting Glenn in fifteen minutes."

"Alright, I'm gonna head to the bike." He says, pulling away from me.

"Be down in a few minutes." I say, turning and making my way up the stairs.

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