Chapter 69 - An Unlikely Ally

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Men and women surround us, looking at us with hatred and hunger in their eyes. Searing pain radiates from my calf as I press a cloth against the wound to stop the bleeding. Negan steps forwards with his bat in hand and smiles sardonically down at the both of us before focusing his eyes on me and kneeling down in front of me.

"Well, well, well. It is quite a pleasure to have you here my beautiful. I can't tell you how many times I've imagined you being here, I'll admit that it's usually under much different circumstances. But none the less, it's good to have you here." He says.

He reaches for me and goes to caress my cheek and I pull away from him, glaring at him with my jaw clenched tightly. He smiles and turns his head to look at Sasha, who glares at him with so much hatred and fury. A small smile comes to his face and he rises to feet.

"The fastest way to a man's heart is through his vagina." He states, "A lot of people say it's through his stomach. That's the saying, but that's a stupid saying."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Sure, men like to eat. But do all men place that much importance on their next meal? You cook a mean meatloaf and so you've got him wrapped around your finger? No goddamn way."

He turns and glances at me, "Men love to fuck. All men. Every goddamn one of them. Young, old, fat, thin, smart, dumb, alive, dead, all men. After awhile a certain kind of man, men like Daryl Dixon and Rick Grimes, they find one they really enjoy being inside. That becomes their vagina. You fuck with that vagina, you crush a man's heart. We crush these men's hearts, we really get to them on a level they've never been gotten before... This whole war falls apart. It ends with the saddest shit on Earth, men's tears."

He looks between the two of us with a shit-eating grin on his face, "We've got two of their women. If we don't give them back, a river of man tears will come pouring from their faces... Drowning out all their rage, strength and ambition. And we will win."

"You've got the wrong woman." Sasha states with a smirk on her face.

"The hell I do. One minute Rick's going to drive a car at us, then you drive in. You wouldn't let him sacrifice himself to tear down our gate. You love him and he loves you." Negan says, getting in her face.

She shakes her head, "No, I was with Abraham. You remember him? He's the one you beat in with that bat." She says and a smile comes to her face, "I wanted to be the one to take down your gate, to trap you in here. I want to be here as you turn on each other, or as you die fighting your way out. I want to see it. You can kill me if you want, but it won't affect Rick. Not the way you want. And it'd be good to see Abraham again, I miss him."

"I've seen you, you're her. You're the sharpshooter. We thought you were dead, but we saw Connor on our way out. It was him who fell from the tower. You're a tough bitch, but you're a terrible liar." He argues.

She lets out a scoff, "I got the shit beaten out of me sure, but Michonne isn't a sharpshooter. She relies on her katana to take out pricks like you."

He clenches his jaw angrily before he lets out a breath and looking at me, "We got the next best thing. I've seen the way everyone looks at you Bree, the respect they have for you. If I can't have Rick Grimes' woman, than Daryl Dixon's is the next best thing."

"They won't fall for it Negan, they're smarter than you." I state.

A smirk comes across his lips, "Yeah? We'll just have to see about that. Take them to the cells."

He waves his hands and four saviours walk forward, two of them gripping me under the arms. Negan turns and one of his men begin to talk to him as we are lead out of the main room. They lead us both through a few long hallways and I try my best to remember the layout for future purposes. We reach a hallway and we are both led into separate cells.

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