Chapter 64 - Manipulations & Truths Revealed

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"I've looked through all the houses, there's no sign of him." I say, walking into Rick's dining room with Daryl behind me.

"He wasn't in the church, infirmary, school or any watch points." Rosita states with Aaron by her side.

"I checked the woods where we normally go, he's not there." Enid says, coming and standing by my side with Morgan not too far behind.

Rick shakes his head angrily and Michonne looks between all of us, "Is there any other place he could be?" She asks.

"There's no where else for him to go really." Aaron says.

"Last I saw him was before Negan and the saviours showed up." Enid states.

"That was yesterday afternoon." Morgan claims.

"Then where the hell can he be?!" Rick says with a raised voice, turning around with a wild look in his eyes.

Suddenly the front door opens and we all turn to see Jesus walking into the room, pulling the bandanna off from around his face. Rick shakes his head and turns to us all, "Can you just keep looking please? He's gotta be around here somewhere."

We all nod and begin to walk away when Rick calls out, "Bree and Daryl."

We both turn and he motions for us to come over while the rest of them walk out. He turns and looks to Jesus, "What did you find out?"

"I followed them back... I know where Negan lives." He states quietly.

"Did you see Carl?" He asks and I raise my eyebrow.

Jesus shakes his head, "No, he isn't here?"

Rick sighs and presses his hand to his forehead and Michonne speaks, "He's been missing, since yesterday when Negan left."

Rick lets out a breath, "I think Negan took him, but I don't want to rile everyone up... I've been playing it dumb and sending people out to look... But I think he's got him."

Jesus looks at him for a moment before his eyebrows crease, "I saw the truck enter, they've got a wall. Can't really see inside. As I was starting back on my way here, I heard an automatic weapon fire. Don't know what that was about."

"One of the machine guns is missing." Michonne states.

"I can take you there." Jesus says and Rick nods before turning to Michonne and I, "I need you both to come with us."

"I'm coming too." Daryl says and I shake my head, "No, you can't risk it with your arm."

"I'm not letting you go out there-" He begins when I cut him off, "I'm not letting you go out there injured."

He glares at me and Rick steps forward, looking him in the eye, "I need you to stay here and look after this place, keep everyone in order. Besides, Tara and Heath are due back this afternoon... You need to be here to tell her about Denise."

Ever since the whole incident with Dwight and Denise's death, Daryl has been feeling extremely guilty. He wants to be the one to tell her, to be there for her when he tells her what happened and I understand that. He needs this closure. He looks at Rick before gritting his teeth and nodding his head reluctantly.

Rick nods and looks around at the rest of us, "Let's go."


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