Chapter 52 - First Time Again

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I step out of Deanna's house, leaving her in the care of Spencer. Abraham went and buried Reg and took away Pete's body while I took her home after watching her grieve where he died for an hour or so. Everyone in the group has gone to do different things, taking care of business like Rick instructed us too. I walk back towards the house and I think of how quickly things turned tonight and it just reminds me that nothing is ever going to be easy again.

I run my hands over my face as I walk up the steps to the house, seeing the light on inside. I open the door before shutting it behind me and begin to walk towards the stairs when I see Rick looking down at something on the dining table. Daryl and the man he came back with, Morgan, are eating at the kitchen island. The three men turn and look at me, but my eyes remain on Daryl. We exchange a look for a moment before I turn and make my way up the steps to my room.

I go into my room and shut the door behind me. Walking over to the bed I kick my shoes off before turning and falling back onto the soft mattress. I lay one arm over my eyes while the other rests across my stomach. I lay like that for awhile when someone knocks on my door.

"Come in." I say, assuming it's Rick coming in to see how Deanna is doing.

The door opens up and I lean up on my arms and am met with a person I didn't expect to see. Daryl steps in and closes the door behind him, his eyes examining me.

"What're you doing here?" I ask.

He shifts his weight on his foot, his hands dug deep into his pockets as he chews at his lower lip, his eyes lost in thought.

"Dare?" I ask, wondering what is going on.

"Aaron and I got surrounded by walkers today and it was a close call." He says.

I sit up on the bed and stare at him with wide eyes, "You what?!"

He chews at his bottom lip before he continues, "We were following this guy when we found a place that has all these supplies. We were checking out this food supply truck to see if we could bring it back, but we didn't know that someone set it up as a trap and we got surrounded. We were going to die, not ready to go down without a fight. Just as we were about to go Morgan found us, he saved our lives." He explains.

"Oh my God." I whisper, my heart pounding in my chest, "Are you okay?" I ask, looking him over for any signs of bites or scratches.

He nods his head, his long hair falling into his eyes, "Yeah, but I couldn't stop thinking about something while I was in that car, waiting for it all to go down."

"What was that?" I ask, my eyebrow raised.

"You." He says, looking me right in the eye, "Me?" I say, my heart constricting at his words.

He nods his head once more, "Yeah."

"Why?" I ask.

He tilts his head to the side, "You know why." He says causing my heart to flutter.

I stare at him for a long moment, conflicting thoughts running through my mind and I shake my head as I get to my feet, "You're so confusing. I mean one minute you don't want anything to do with me and now you're saying I was the only thing you could think as you were about to die? I mean what the hell am I supposed to make of that Dare?"

"I wasn't thinking clearly then." He says and I turn and face him, "You don't think I know that? That I didn't see what happened for what is was? I was there for you, trying my best to support you as you were dealing with what happened with Beth. You pushed me away, saying some extremely hurtful things in the process. And now you're saying this? What are you doing to me?"

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