Chapter 28 - The Suicide King

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We sneak through the town as quietly as possible, people still on their posts and look outs for us. I grip my gun tightly in my hand as I run through the plan in my head again. My heart pounds anxiously in my chest and I know that I will stop at nothing to get him back. I also think of Merle and the thought of us all finally being together again. Despite everything that has happened, I have missed him so much.

I hear the sound of cheering as we approach, beginning to get in formation. I look to Rick and he points for me to go and get behind a small wall. I sneak over to the wall and I finally get a clearly look into what's happening. There is a big crowd of people and in the centre are a few people.

My eyes immediately land on the two brothers and I see the scared look in Daryl's eyes as he looks at his brother. Merle stands there with a conflicted look on his face. Off to the side I see someone I never thought I'd see again. Andrea who stands there and tries to plead with a man who has a bandage over his eye.

The crowd quiets down and the man with a bandage begins to speak to Merle, "I asked you where your loyalties lie, you said here. Well prove it, prove it to us all. Brother against brother. Winner goes free. Fight, to the death!"

The crowd begins to cheer as I gasp, feeling my whole world begin to shake. I want to run into the ring and begin shooting at everyone but I don't, knowing that our plan will work. Instead I grip my gun tighter in my hand and look down the focus.

Merle looks towards Daryl before raising his arm in the air and addressing the crowd, "Y'all know me! I'm gonna do, whatever I'm gonna do. To prove..." He begins before he turns and throws a punch into Daryl's stomach.

Daryl falls to the ground, pain covered over his face. Unwanted memories of finding him on the ground in pain after his father beat him come to mind, his expressions mirroring from so long ago.

"...That my loyalty..." Merle yells, kicking him in the side and he rolls over.

"...Is to this town!" He declares.

He continues to beat at his brother and fear grips me as I see them bring in walkers being lead into the circle on the end of a pole. I look towards Daryl in time to see him throw a punch at Daryl. Merle stumbles back and Daryl gets to his feet, eyeing down his brother. Daryl runs at him but Merle knocks him to the ground, holding him down. Daryl reaches up and begins to choke him as the men lead the walkers closer, the crowd going wild.

I feel sick to my stomach as I watch, thinking how disgusting and barbaric this is. However I hold out and wait for Rick's signal before I make my move. Suddenly Merle and Daryl are on their feet, back to back and taking on the walkers around them. That's when I hear the first gunshot and I begin to shoot at the people, taking down a man beside them. Rick throws the last smoke grenade and we all begin to shoot at the rest of them. I try to aim for the Governor but I miss him. I see Daryl and Merle begin to run through the smoke towards Rick and Maggie and I run off after them.

"Bree!" Rick yells out, looking around for me.

"Let's go!" I yell, reaching the group.

Merle looks at me with wide eyes before we all run off towards the wall, looking for a place to exit. We separate quickly from the hoards of people. We run to where the buses are and Merle talks to us all, "They're all at the arena, this way!" He instructs, running off to the side.

"You're not running anywhere with us." Rick states angrily.

"You really wanna do this now?!" Merle demands before rushing to the wall, kicking it in.

"Come on man." Daryl says to him.

He kicks it in and I hear Daryl call out, "Come on Rick, we gotta go man."

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