Chapter 48 - The Distance

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The blade of the knife slices into the wood of the stick, carving out a pointed tip. I sit with my back against the wall of the stable, my eyes not looking away from the object in my hand. The barn is silent, everyone doing their own thing. Maggie and Sasha are not here, the both of them leaving earlier before we all woke up.


I look up to see Rick holding out a water bottle for me to take, Judith in his arm. I shake my head and look back down, "I'm fine."

He doesn't say anything before he kneels down and looks me in the eye, "You want to tell me what's going on between you and Daryl?"

I stop what I'm doing, not looking away from the blade, "We're not together anymore." I state before beginning to carve once more.

He remains quiet for a moment before he speaks again, "Why?"

I glance up and meet his sky blue eyes, "Your guess is as good as mine." I say before looking back down at the stick. He goes to speak again when the opening of the barn door draws our attention.

"Hey. Everyone?" I hear Maggie call out hesitantly.

She steps in with a man not too far behind her, "This is Aaron."

Rick and I raise to our feet, the both of use grabbing our guns as we walk over towards the group and everyone does the same. The man eyes us all as we keep our guns aimed on him. He is extremely clean and shaven, no sign of wear on his clothes at all. He looks around at all of us with a sparkle in his eye, a hint of a smile on his lips. Daryl rushes forward and walks outside past Sasha, checking to see if there is anyone else with them.

"We met him outside and he's by himself. We took his weapons and we took his gear." Maggie explains as Daryl pats him down, looking for weapons.

Aaron winces at Daryl's roughness and his breathing becomes laboured as he looks at all of us. The tension in the room is thick as we all stare at him.

"Hi." He says tentatively.

Judith begins to cry from Rick's arms and he hands her to Carl to take care of. Carl attempts to shush her as Rick's eyes turn back to Aaron.

"It's nice to meet you." Aaron says, stepping forward with a hand outstretched as a peace offering.

A few people step forward and I aim my gun between his eyes, ready to shoot at a moments notice from beside Rick.

"You said he had a weapon?" Rick asks, looking between Sasha and Maggie.

Maggie nods and walks forward towards Rick and hands him a small handgun that she pulls out from her belt. Rick checks to see how many bullets it holds before giving him a confused look. Rick tucks the gun in the waistband of his jeans, "There something you need?" He asks Aaron.

"He has a camp. Nearby. He wants us to audition for membership." Sasha explains.

"I wish there was another word. Audition makes it sound like we're some kind of a dance troop. That's only on Friday nights." He says, attempting to joke with us.

However his smile soon fades when he realises we aren't laughing, "And it's not a camp. It's a community. I think you all would make valuable additions. But it's not my call. My job is to convince you all to follow me back home." He explains as he looks around at all of us.

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