Chapter 6 - Guts

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Two Weeks Later

"Take this."

I look down as Merle hands me a gun and I take it off of him, "Tell me why we're going again?" I ask as I put it in the lining of my pants.

"Because there are a few things I want to see if I can get before we split from here." He explains as he grabs the rifle from against the tent wall.

"You mean before we rob everyone." I mutter under my breath.

He turns his head towards me, "Hey, don't be wussing out on me now girly."

"I'm not wussing out Merle. I may not like what we're gonna do but I'm doing it alright." I say angrily, pulling the backpack on my back.

"Geez Bree, is it that time of the month?" He asks and I punch him on the upper arm, "Don't be a dick!"

He rubs at his arm, "Geez Daryl's been gone a couple of hours and you've already become violent!" He states teasingly.

"What has Daryl got to do with anything?" I ask, stepping out of the tent with him close behind.

"Oh come on Bree, you and I both know that my little brother is the only one that has ever really made your body burn. And we both that you're never gonna do anything about it." He says, following after me and zipping up the tent.

"Yes because you and I both know that he doesn't feel the same way." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

He lets out a chuckle, "You really believe that don't you?" He asks.

I give him a look, "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" I ask as we walk towards where we're meeting the others.

He just shakes his head and I raise my eyebrow at him, "Why are you shaking your head?"

He doesn't say anything as we meet up with the others. We've settled into the camp, though I know I've settled in more than the guys. Merle isn't really liked around camp, and he doesn't care and Daryl doesn't see the point in getting attached. Unfortunately I've come to really like a few of these people, which makes what we're gonna do that much harder.

In our small group today, we are travelling to Atlanta on a supply run. Glenn, a young Asian kid, generally travels on his own but today a group is going in with him. This group consists of Glenn, Jacqui, Morales, T-Dog, Andrea, Merle and myself. A group this size has never been into the city before but we decided to take a larger group to bring back more stuff.

Andrea and her sister Amy hug each tightly as Morales hugs his family. Dale watches from above on top of his RV and he gives me a wink as he catches my eyes. I smile back at him as Shane and Lori walk forward. They give each other suggestive smirks and I whisper to Merle, "Wonder if they just screwed?"

He chuckles as Shane looks between all of us, "Alright, a group this size has never been into the city before, so keep an eye out. Stay quiet and stick together. We want all of you to come back safely." He instructs and I roll my eyes.

"You'd think it was our first time dealing with walkers." I mutter to Merle.

"Listen to Glenn, he knows the quickest ways in and out of the city-" He continues and Merle cuts him off, "Yes officer, we get it. Stay safe, follow the leader, look both ways before crossing the street. Now do you mind if we make a move? I want to get back before I die of old age."

I suppress my smirk as everyone glares at Merle, Shane gives him a hard look before turning and making his way away. Lori glares at Merle for a moment before turning and making her way after him and I snicker as we all walk towards the minivan. Morales and Glenn climb into the front while the rest of us separate into the other rows of the car.

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