Chapter 7 - Tell It To The Frogs

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We drive down the familiar drive to the campsite as I stare blankly at the wall of the truck. Not too far ahead I faintly hear the sound of car alarm squealing from Glenn's car as he speeds his way home. The noise suddenly stops and I realise that they must have turned the alarm off. We turn the familiar turns and soon enough we pull up at the campsite. Andrea and Jacqui open up the door and they run out. I hear the sisters embrace but I ignore it as I slowly make my way out of the truck.

I wipe at my eyes quickly and T-Dog pats me on the shoulder but I shrug him off and slowly walk away. As I lift my head up, I see the familiar shiny metal of Merle's bike and my heart aches all over again. Another tear falls from my eyes and I wipe at it. I look over and notice Dale looking at me in pity but I ignore him as I begin to hobble to my tent, the pain in my ankle the least of my worries.

"I thought we had lost you all for sure." Dale says on relief.

"How'd you guys get out anyway?" Shane asks, voicing everyone's question.

"New guy, he got us out." Glenn states.

"Ahh, crazy Vatos that just got into town." Morales chuckles from behind me, "Hey helicopter boy. Come say hello!"

I notice up ahead Lori is trying to console Carl, who has tears streaming down his face. He's been crying on and off since we got here, mourning the loss of his father. I notice them look behind me as shock plasters their face. I turn and look behind me to see the cop have the same expression on his face as he looks at them.

"Dad!" Carl yells as he runs towards the cop, Lori not too far behind.

Carl tackles the cop as he lets out a delighted cry, Lori not too far behind. They all embrace in one big family hug. I glance over towards Shane and see a mixture of relief and jealously. I can't stand to look at their happiness anymore and I turn, making my way towards my tent. I ignore everyone else in the camp and step into my tent. I zip it up behind me and lay down on my sleeping bag. I place my arm over my eyes as the tears begin once more, flowing much more freely in the privacy of my tent.

Hundreds of memories of Merle come to mind, both good and bad. He was completely unpredictable, yet I knew what would made him tick. I grew up with him, meaning I knew every trick he would ever make. He was an open book, easy to read and understand. Unlike his brother. Daryl. He's going to be heartbroken when he finds out. Though him and Merle argue a lot, the love that those two have for each other is something else.

Daryl's is going to be angry and I know he will take it out on me. I just wish that I could have done something to save Merle. Then we would be gone after Daryl got back and everything would be the way it is meant to be. But instead, he is now dead on a rooftop and has probably become the thing he didn't want to become. One of them.

I sniffle to myself and roll on my side, curling myself into a tight ball as I let all my grief out. Everyone else would be happy that he was gone, instead celebrating the return of Lori's husband. I close my eyes and let the tears fall, knowing that I will be the only one tonight crying over the death of Merle Dixon.


I faintly hear someone calling my name as I slowly wake up, slightly dazed for a moment. I open my eyes and realise I'm in my tent as the calling gets louder.


I wipe at my eyes and sit up, taking in the dark sky outside, "Bree, are you awake?"

I look towards the tent door and move forward, opening the zipper up to reveal the old man, "I didn't wake you did I?" Dale asks, a sad smile on his face.

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