Chapter 63 - Transitioning

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"What happened back here?" Morgan asks as we settle down around Rick's dining room table.

We all exchange looks before turning and facing them, "After you left Morgan... Maggie got sick, something to do with the baby." Rick states.

"My God! Is she okay?" Carol asks, looking between us all with wide eyes.

He nods his head, "Yes, her and Glenn are at the hilltop right now while she recovers. But that isn't all."

"What happened?" Morgan asks.

Rick remains quiet and I lean forward in my seat and look between the two, "As we were taking Maggie to the hilltop, we ran into a small group of saviours. They threatened us, wanting us to give them half of our supplies."

"We left them behind and went another direction, however the same thing happened. Over and over and over again." Rick expands.

Michonne leans forward, placing her arms on the table, "Daryl, Glenn, Rosita and myself were out earlier and we were captured by these saviours, one of them shooting Daryl in the shoulder."

"That prick I let live I the forest, the who killed Denise." Daryl growls from beside me.

"Oh my God." Carol whispers.

"We were cornered by the saviours, forced to our knees. There were around one hundred of them. We had no way of getting out, protecting ourselves." I say, a weird feeling over coming me.

"We met Negan, he told us that we were going to follow his deal and..." He trails off, looking down at the table as his hand bunches into a fist.

"And what?" Morgan asks as Michonne reaches up and places her hands over his, showing him support.

She turns and meets them in the eye, "He beat Abraham to death in front of us all."

They both stare on in shock, their mouths slightly agape as they take in the news. I feel emotions begin to crash over me, as well as nausea in my stomach. I take deep breaths through my nose to calm myself down, it only working slightly.

"Abraham's dead?" Carol asks in disbelief and Michonne nods her head in confirmation.

"Oh my God." Carol breaths out, looking down as her hands grip at the edge of the table.

I see tears fill up in her eyes as Michonne reaches over and takes hold of her hand, trying her best to comfort her. Morgan and Rick exchange a long look and I see notice Jesus settled back in his seat, his eyes locked on the exchange between the two.

Eventually Morgan speaks up, asking Rick a question, "What about the deal?"

Rick glances over at Jesus and makes eye contact for a brief moment before turning and looking at the two, "The saviours get half of our supplies."

"Half? You're giving them half?!" Carol asks, looking at him in shock.

"That's the deal we made. No retaliation, we don't have the numbers or the fighting ability to take a group that size. This is our way of the life now." Rick states.

Carol shakes her head and looks at him somewhat desperately, "Isn't there any other way? Can't we do something?!"

Rick shakes his head firmly, "There is no other way, believe me I've thought and thought. This is the only way to keep the community safe."

"This doesn't keep the community safe." Morgan mutters.

The room is silent as the tension fills the air. Carol glares at Rick's direction before shifting in her seat and she lets out a hiss, Morgan instantly moving to her side, "Are you alright?" He asks and she nods her head, "Yeah, just a little sore. I'm going to have to grab some of the painkillers from Denise's."

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