Chapter 33 - Welcome To The Tombs

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I zip my jacket up tightly around me, it fitting me snugly. I reach over and pull on my beanie before shoving the last of my things into my backpack. I zip it up tightly and sling it over my shoulders. I bend down and grab the two sleeping bags and my gun before making my way out of the cell. I walk down the steps, it seaming much emptier now.

I walk out of the cell block towards the Tucson where we pack most of our stuff. I reach Beth, who helps me put the things in the car. I look around the car and see Rick go to talk to Carl but he shrugs out of his grasp angrily. He's upset that Rick won't let him stay behind to help out, instead he has to go with myself and the others. He walks around and puts his bag in the trunk, his face set into an angry scowl.

I step back and turn to look for Daryl, spotting him over by his bike. Carol speaks with him briefly before helping him to his feet. Glenn and Maggie walk towards me and I turn to them, "You ready?" I ask.

They nod their head, "Yeah, we've got this."

"Just be safe please?" I ask.

Maggie smiles and steps forward, giving me a hug, "We will be."

I nod and turn to Glenn, giving him a quick hug. I step back and see Daryl walking over towards my direction. He stops in front of me with his poncho in his hands. He looks down at it for a moment before holding it out to me. I take it and feel the texture in my fingers before I look up at him and meet his eyes. Last night we just laid together, holding one another and comforted one another. Neither one of us got much sleep, our grief being too much. The pain of losing Merle has been so much for the both of us, a drive for us to do what we need to do today.

I step towards him and lean up on my tip toes as I wrap my arms around his neck. He places his hands on my hips and gives them a gentle squeeze as I press my lips to his. The kiss is full of raw emotion, both of us being in danger today. This kiss isn't a goodbye, but a good luck. I pull back and look him in the eyes for a moment before I whisper to him, "I love you."

"I love you too." He murmurs.

I hear the sound of the cellblock door opening and we both turn to see Rick and Michonne walk out. Rick walks over towards us and takes us all in, "It's time for us all to get into our positions." He states.

We all nod and I turn to Daryl one last time, giving his arm a squeeze before I turn and make my way to the driver's seat of the car. I climb into the front and start the car up while the others get into their seats. Judith makes a cry from the box in the middle of the backseat and Beth attends to her as I pull away from the courtyard.

Glenn and Maggie open up the gate and we drive through easily, making our way to the hide out. I glance back in the mirror and see them all looking after us. Though I feel uneasy I know that this will work. I turn my eyes back to the road and continue our way out of here, waiting until we can come back and finally make this place a home.


I stand outside of the car, my gun gripped tightly in my hand with my eyes focused around me. It's been around an hour and half since we left the prison, the long and arduous wait beginning. Not too long ago I could hear gunfire coming from the direction of the prison, meaning that the plan had been set in motion. Though we have been over the plan a thousand times, on hearing the gunfire my stomach began to turn at the thought of the others getting hurt.

The gunfire stopped not too long ago and now we are just waiting the correct amount of time before we make our way back to the prison. Beth steps out of the camouflaged car after finally getting Judith to sleep. She closes the door and begins to talk to her father as my eyes land on Carl. His young hard eyes are locked on the scenery surrounding us, looking for something to take his frustration out on.

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