Chapter 35 - Infected

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I stir awake from my sleep, rubbing my eyes lazily. I open my eyes and take in the soft early morning sunlight filtering in through the sheets covering the cell. I turn my head to the side and see Daryl's sleeping face beside me. I gently move out from underneath the covers and get up, beginning to get dressed for the day. I quickly slip on a clean pair of underwear and bra, jeans and a shirt.

I take a seat on the edge of the bed and begin to put my boots on when I hear him stir from his spot on the bed and I turn in time to see him looking up at me lazily.

"What time is it?" He murmurs in his sexy morning voice.

A small smile comes to my lips as I look at his perfection, "It's early." I say quietly, not wanting to disturb those still sleeping around us.

"Then what're you doing? Get back into bed." He says.

Though the offer is tempting, I shake my head, "No, you stay in bed. I'm on breakfast duty this morning."

"Do you really have to go?" He asks.

I smile and turn around on the bed and place a long kiss on his lips before pulling back, "Come get some breakfast when you're ready."

I climb back off the bed and slip my knife into its sheath before I make my way out of the cell. I walk down the steps and I smile when I see Beth stand there with Judith in her arms, trying to feed her. I walk over to them and lean down to greet the little girl, "Morning beautiful." I say, placing a kiss on her cheek.

She giggles at my touch and I look back up at Beth, a sad smile coming onto my face, "How're you doing Hun?" I ask, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

She nods her head, "I'm good," She says sadly, "I miss him."

I nod my head, "Yeah, me too."

All of sudden I hear the sound of muted gunshots coming from the direction of the other cell block. I push away from Beth and quickly grab a machete from the pile of weapons before rushing my way outside. I see others running over and I waste no time running into the other cell block. As I slide open the door, the shooting becomes louder as well as screaming and the stench of walkers and blood hits my nose.

I rush into the entrance and can't believe my eyes. There are walkers everywhere, as well as people shooting and running for their lives. I rush forward and take out a walker, it falling into a heap on the ground. I don't waste any time before pushing some people towards the exit before rushing forward and stabbing another one.

I see someone get bit and I rush over and stab the walker. I see the others rush in and begin to take them out, Rick yelling instructions. I run up the stairs past others who are running for their lives. A walker begins to make its way down the stairs and swing my arm across, knocking the walker over the edge. I take down the one following it and soon there is silence in the cell block.

"Are we clear down here?!" Rick yells as I make my way up the stairs, looking for more walkers.

"Yeah." Sasha calls back from below.

"We're safe." Rick states.

I hear footsteps coming up from behind me and I notice it's Daryl and Glenn. I keep my arm ready to attack as I notice a body by my feet. I push it away the bile in my throat before continuing to look in the cell blocks. Suddenly I hear a growling from behind me and Daryl yelling, "Get down."

I turn in time to see an arrow pierce the skull of a walker Glenn is grappling with. I walk over as Rick helps him up before they open up a curtain to a cell, revealing the walker Glenn fought with.

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