Chapter 62 - Home

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"Abraham was an incredible man, he was strong and wise. He was someone I always turned to when I needed advice, someone to guide me when a decision needed to be made. But not only that, he was also a dear friend. Family." Rick says, choking up a bit.

He glances down at the filled in grave, tears glistening in his eyes before he sniffs and straightens up, "Not only will he be missed by his close friends, but this entire community. So we honour him, by continuing on and making this place into the best it can be. For Abraham."

He glances down at Abraham's grave for a moment before he walks forward and takes his place beside Michonne. The grave side is silent as Gabriel steps forward, dressed in his clergy mans outfit, "If we could all have a moments silence in Abraham's honour and then I will say the final prayer."

Everyone is silent as they bow their heads and I close my eyes, unable to stop the images that have been running through my head since that night. We arrived back early this morning, spending a few days at the hilltop to rest. When we arrived back, we were horrified to find that the place had been attacked by around thirty saviours. However they put in a half hearted attempt and Alexandria defended itself. Later on this afternoon Rick has called a meeting in order to inform the Alexandrian's of the new order and I know it's going to be a tough and long afternoon.

I feel a hand squeeze my own and I hold his hand back tightly, drawing on his for support. Gabriel clears his throat and everyone looks back up towards him as he pulls out his bible, reading a passage, "Revelation 21:4, 'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.' May God hold us all in his hands and help us through our time of grief."

He finishes and people begin to murmur amongst themselves, tears and sobs being heard from all around us. Sasha sits off to the side by herself, tears streaming down her face as she looks towards the grave. I notice Rosita sitting with Eugene and Spencer, tears falling down her face along with most other people in the crowd. Jesus sits towards the back of the crowd, his arms folded over his chest with a solemn look on his face. He insisted he come back with us, help us throughout this time.

Daryl lets out a groan from beside me and I turn my head to look at him, "You okay?" I ask.

He winces as he cranes his neck, "I'm fine, just sore."

"I better get you home, it's time for you to have another round of painkillers. To rest up before the meeting this afternoon." I say.

"I don't-" He begins but I cut him off, "Please Dare, I... I just can't be here right now."

He looks at me for a long moment before giving me a nod. I let out a sigh and get to my feet, helping to ease him up and out of the chair. We make our way away from the crowd towards our home, our hands intertwined. I let out a sniffle and wipe at my eyes with a handkerchief, it already quite used. We soon reach our front steps and I open the door, allowing him to go in first.

We make our way up to our bedroom and I grab the bag of medicine Doctor Carson gave me. We walk up the stairs and I walk in front of him, opening up the door and looking around at the mess in the room.

Daryl steps in from behind me and looks around confused, "What the hell happened here?"

I shake my head and step into the room, "I uh... I forgot to clean this up what with Maggie and..." I trail off.

Always (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now