Chapter 45 - Coda

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I keep my eyes on the cops in front of me as we wait for Rick to come back. Sasha is okay, just a small injury to her head with a small head ache. Apparently the man, Lamson, tricked her into thinking he had a friend that turned into one of the walkers melted to the asphalt. She asked him to show her where and as she was about to take out the walker, he knocked her into the glass and escaped. She feels really embarrassed and frustrated at herself for what happened. I just hope that Rick is able capture the guy and that we can finally get the plan going into place.

I suddenly hear footsteps coming from behind me and I turn around to see Rick striding back in towards us, alone. Shit, I think to myself. Daryl walks over towards the man and he explains to him what happened, "He wouldn't stop."

"This change things?" Daryl asks.

"It has too." Rick says, looking over towards the cops.

"Maybe not." Daryl says.

"Well she said the plan won't work, the guy who did is dead did. Maybe we gotta rethink this?" Rick suggests.

"They also said the cop in charge didn't have any love for him. Maybe you did her a favour?" Daryl theorises.

"I don't know if they'll play ball." Rick says, looking over towards them once more.

"Let's find out." Daryl says.

Rick and him exchange a look for a moment before he nods and they turn, making their way over to us. Rick's eyes gaze over the two cops when the woman speaks up, "He was a good man." She says, staring down at the ground.

She looks up and meets Rick's gaze, "He was attacked by rotters, I saw it go down."

We all eye her and Rick let's out a grunt, "You're a damn good liar."

"We're hanging by a thread here. He was attacked by rotters, that's the story." She states.

"You said the trade was a bad idea. What changed?" Daryl asks, saying aloud what we're all thinking.

"Lamson was our shot. So it's this or you go in guns blazing right? You don't want that." She argues.

"Is this some bullshit you're spinning if things go south-" Daryl begins, stepping forward when she cuts him off, "I know. I know the good ones from the bad. Let us help you." She pleads.

I see Rick eye her, mulling over her words in her head when he turns to the other cop, "What about you? You wanna live? How much?" Rick asks, stepping towards him.

The man eyes him for a moment before speaking, "Dawn's afraid she'll look weak in front of us. This will tip things against her." He says, turning and looking towards the woman, "No, it will. She'll see this trade as rip off of she thinks you took out one of our guys." He says, looking back at Rick.

"So it's a good thing Lamson got aced by rotters." He states, not batting an eyelid.

Rick eyes him for a moment before he glances up and his eyes meet mine. I can see what he's thinking, wondering if we should trust them. I glance down at the two for a moment before looking back up at him and giving him a small nod of my head. He looks at me for a moment before returning the nod. This is our best shot at getting Beth and Carol back, we just got to have a little faith.


We pull up on the roof of the parking garage and Rick turns the car that we are in off. Rick and Tyreese get out of the front while I get out of the car and the woman climbs out after me and I keep my gun aimed on her, letting her know that I'm not afraid to shoot. Sasha and Tyreese make their way over towards the edge of the building while I lead the woman, Shepard over to where Daryl and Noah lead the other man, Lacarey.

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