Chapter 13 - Save The Last One

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The long expanse of cars before me seem never ending, like they've been left here from long ago. It reminds me of when we were stuck in the jam before anyone knew what was going on, back when things were easier. I sit on top of the RV with my legs hanging over the edge as I stare out into the night before me. I wasn't able to sleep at all, what with Carol crying and Andrea fiddling around with the guns. I couldn't even get a comfortable position, in the car seat.

I lift my knee up and rest my foot on the edge, laying my arm over and resting my chin of my forearm. I hear climbing up the footsteps and soon I hear the old man coming back from going to the toilet to claim his position in his camp chair.

"Anything?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No, just a whole lot of nothing." I murmur, my eyes looking everywhere.

I hear him settle back into his chair and pick up his rifle and he sniffles. We sit there in silence as I let my mind wander, mulling over different things. Things have certainly changed in the last few months, everything completely different to the way things used to be. It's almost as if the world before never existed, that this is the only reality I've ever known.

My life used to consist of working at the diner during the days, coming home and feeding the guys, then go to bed, rinse and repeat. I didn't have an eventful life... Well, not in a good way. Back when things were eventful I used to come home with bruising and broken ribs. Now I live my life day by day, hoping to not be bitten by one of those drooling freaks.

I hear the door to the RV open and I look down over the edge to see who it is. Flashlights shine and I see Daryl and Andrea step out, "I'm coming too." Andrea says, shutting the door behind her.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, shine some light in the forest. If she's out there, it'll give her something to look at." He says, looking up at me.

I nod my head when Dale speaks up, "You think that's a good idea right now?" He asks.

"Dale." Andrea warns, turning and walking past Daryl through the sea of cars.

Daryl looks back up at us, our eyes locking for a split second before he turns and follows after her. I watch them walk away and I know they'll be alright.

"They'll be fine Dale, he knows what he's doing." I say, staring after them.

"But it's not safe this time of night." He argues and I shake my head, "It's not safe at any time. Just let them go, they both need it."

He doesn't say anything and sits back down on the camper chair as we wait for them to come back. As I sit there I wonder how the others are doing. Have Glenn and T-Dog made it to the farm yet? Has Lori? Is Carl okay? I think about the young boy. He's strong, he's smart and he has such a willingness to help. I think a lot of people underestimate him, that he's just some child who doesn't know any better. But he knows what he wants and he won't stop till he gets it. Sure he can be a pain in the ass at times, but overall he's a great kid.

As I think about him, my mind drifts to Sophia. I didn't speak often with her but she was a sweet kid, so kind and compassionate. The things she's had to deal with as she's grown up no kid should deal with. I reckon that's why Daryl has such a strong will to find her, she reminds him on some level of us when we were younger. Both of us know what it's like to have shitty fathers, to be let down by the one man who we're meant to compare all men too. Once that trust has been broken, it's hard to trust most people.

I don't think often about my father, it being a long time since he's even crossed my mind. He and Daryl's father got along extremely well before he ran out, in hindsight I can see why. Both men weren't cut out to be the family types, too selfish to focus on their families well being. My Mom worshipped the ground my father walked on, loving him despite everything he put her through.

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