Chapter Three

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The cell had the same sleek dark floor as everything else and pure white walls. In each upper corner of the cell was a camera. There was a black panel on the door with the same blue button from outside my glass tube of sadness and an uncomfortable bed in the corner. I sat on the bed and stared at my brown cargo pants. My eyes shifted to my black leather boots, and then to my hands that were folded in my lap.

I felt empty.

So empty.


I sat in that blank room for hours with absolutely nothing to think about except the dead. There was nothing to do to get my mind off of them. Nothing else to think about except the fact that every single person and thing I know has ceased to exist and doesn't matter anymore. I didn't know anything about where I was or who I was anymore. 

I know my name is Nira Leven. I know my mom is dead. I know I'm from Tunstead. I know I've been captured by The First Order. I (apparently???) know I'm super powerful. I know--

A loud beeping sound interrupted my thoughts. 

"Get your back against the wall, your legs stretched out, and hands above your head against the wall." A voice spoke. Millions of questions flew through my head as I obeyed the direct order. Was I going to die? Taken somewhere?  Who was speaking to me? It sounded only like a robot. What was going to happen? 

The white door slid open (whshhh) and none other than my kidnapper walked in. He was in full suit; black cloak, black chest armor, black utility belt, black mask, black gloves, black underclothing. There were two things he donned that weren't black; the shiny silver connected to his mask around his eyes, and the silver deathly lightsaber handle he had clipped to the belt on his waist. 

Kylo Ren walked into my cell and the door shut behind him. I stared up at him with a straight face. Maybe I had a slight frown and hate in my eyes, but other than that, I didn't move. 

"You can lower your hands." His deep metal voice brought fear to me. It brought back thoughts of everyone from my village that he had mercilessly killed and picked me, only me to keep--

I lowered my hands obediently and retracted me legs so that I was curled in a tiny ball. My head peaked out and I looked at him. "Nira." 

He walked slowly, more like prowled, so he was standing right in front of me, by the bed. He stood with his arms and legs apart. His stance made him look more threatening and aggressive. 

I focused on his belt. I was too scared to look at his mask. My breathing turned quicker and harder. I kept my lips tightly shut. 

"Do you know why we have you here today?" He asked. No, I thought. I didn't let him see any reaction out of me. I decided right then and there I would be the most uncooperative prisoner The First Order has ever captured. 

Kylo Ren sighed, then chuckled a low, menacing, and sarcastic chuckle. 

Suddenly, I felt an invisible something grab at my throat and yank me upwards. I was up in the air, looking him dead in the eye (well, mask). My toes barely scraped at the sheets on my bed. The something that was holding me hung me there. I struggled to breathe and my eyes scanned downwards. His fingers were out at his sides. He was doing this. 

I was filled with anger. He was using The Force on me? I wanted to take his stupid helmet and rip it off along with his head. 

He spoke to me again. I looked him in the eyes this time. He spoke slowly, as if I were dumb, but hidden obviously in his words was a threat. I don't know what he was threatening, but I was scared. "Answer me when I speak to you, Nira." 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now