Chapter Forty-Eight

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I was nearly asleep (again) when I heard his voice emerge from the darkness.

"Maybe someday far from now, Nira," He softly whispered, "But no time soon."


I slept semi-deeply that night. I fell asleep after a while due to my consistent wondering as to why Kylo Ren wouldn't just confess his past to me now, thinking about the sensation that I gave him that he had described, and elatedly reminiscing our sweet kiss.

I woke up and was consumed by a dreamy happiness for a few moments before I realized that the only person I desired to see was absent from his spot in bed next to me. I turned over and, surely enough, he had left a note on the nightstand.

'Training will commence at ten, as usual.

Kylo Ren'

I climbed out of bed and began to get ready. When I was ready, I headed down to the training arena.

Kylo Ren awaited me; his holograph display was set up onto the hidden table and was active, and Kylo Ren was in the middle of a conference as he usually was upon my entering of the training arena. He wore all of his armor. I stared up at the back of his intimidating mask and allowed my vision to trail all the way down his impressive cloak.

He must have heard the door slide shut because he closed up the conference call pretty quickly after I entered the room.

"Hux, I am not responsible for the damage that they brought. That is entirely your responsibility. I told you, General, I handle the most important situations in The First Order. You may deal with the smaller, less significant obstacles provided."

With a small click, the holograph was pulled back into the display and Kylo Ren returned the display to his belt. He then turned to me, removed the malicious mask, and set it on the table with a dull clunk.

"Nira," He greeted in his deep, soft, unique voice, "Are you ready to begin training?"

I was instantly seduced by him and felt the strongest desire to kiss him, just because the sound of his elegant voice had reached me ears. I ignored my enticement, nodded in response to his question, and followed him over to the weight lifting equipment.

Weight lifting pursued relentlessly, as usual, and I was bathed in relief (and sweat) when Kylo Ren suddenly announced, "Alright, that will conclude weight training for today. Now, on to combat."

Whenever I was doing worse than usual in combative training, I always told myself that weight training had been especially difficult that day and that's why I wasn't performing as extraordinarily as usual.

This day was one of those days where I just could not find the correct skills in me to exceed expectations as I usually did, although I believed that my poor performance was not due to the abundance of weights I lifted preceding the combat.

Kylo Ren introduced a new interesting piece of technology right before the combat training. He pulled a short black box that highly resembled his holograph display from his belt and extended it to me. I stared at it unknowingly.

"This, Nira, is an exclusive Combat Trainer Projector. It will be what you use for the dueling portions of your combative training until I am fully recovered." He began to explain, but I interrupted him argumentatively.

"Kylo Ren, I have injuries too. Why am I continuing with my training?"

He raised an eyebrow, daring me to defy him further. "Your injuries are not nearly as severe as mine and you are almost fully healed. You will be fine to go through all sections of your training."

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