Chapter Thirty-Three

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Might as well, I carelessly thought, beginning my advance up the stairs into the middle of the battle. I knew fully well I could die and Kylo Ren might too, but I'd rather go down in a battle than hide away in a basement.


I grunted as I ascended slowly up the steps into the midst of the fighting. The physical exertion my body experienced at that time was horrendous, and only a bit of my training showed. I knew that if I had attempted to accomplish whatever I was trying to accomplish by climbing up the steps to a suicidal battle two months ago I would've been incapable.

I reached the top of the steps and struggled to extend my hand to the doorknob. The sounds of the ongoing battle got louder as I'd climbed up each step but I had continued. Reluctantly, I got a shaky grip on the knob and opened the door.


Chaos. Everywhere.

I looked around, not sure of where to go, what to do, and immediately regretting my decision of walking into a battle zone . I don't know my way out of this place!, I thought, glancing around at all of the dying and battling figures around me in a basement, I got taken here with a helmet put over my head!

I'm up here now. I have no other choice. I have to try.

I slunk secretively with my side pressed to a wall, praying not to be noticed. I got about twenty feet and recognized, through all of the insanity, a staircase that sunlight fled in from. I connected that the staircase had to be a way to the outside.

Do I want to go outside? To see what's going on out there?

I knew I had no time to waste and my gut instinct commenced the rapid shuffling of my feet towards the staircase that led to outside. Every motion was made a hundred times more difficult with Kylo Ren on my back.

A man suddenly sprinted in front of me, causing me to jump. Kylo Ren, still unconscious, slid off my shoulders, and I tried to keep him steady but he fell to the floor with a massive crash. No part of the battle ceased around me but I was immensely slowed in my escape.

I leaned down quickly and began to heft him up again when I heard a gunshot very close to me, followed by a red blur that skimmed my arm hair and left it simmering. I stood up and glanced to my left, and then to my right. Someone just shot at me.

I was not brave. I had no desire to defend myself. A man dressed in bright orange with a white cloth X marking across his chest stood with a pure white blaster aimed at my heart.

My eyes were wide. I didn't want to fight. I wasn't ready. Everything told me to flee, but everything in me knew that he would catch me, and he would kill me.

My mind went blank. I didn't think. I acted.

All of this happened in one single, short, terrifying instant:

The man pulled his trigger and the bullet was released. It flew towards me and was aimed straight for my chest. I did not move my feet and I did not duck away from the oncoming bullet; however, some signal was sent into my blank mind to wave my hand in front of my chest. I did so, wheeling my forearm rapidly in a circle.

As my forearm flew diagonally downwards across the air in front of my chest, something followed it. Purple . . . I don't know how to describe it. Purple electricity trailed from all parts of my arm. It didn't disappear once my forearm had pulled away from where it'd been released, but lingered in the air.

A thin, circular, purple, charged, electrical, shimmering shield protected me from the bullet. The bullet rebounded off of my temporary shield and back at the man. The bullet pierced his chest and he fell backwards. Dead.

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now