Chapter Sixty-Eight

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view.)

I woke up and, for the first time, Kylo Ren was not absent from the room upon my awakening. 

My eyelids fluttered upwards and I extended my arms outwards. I stretched and groaned. Then I heard footsteps. 

I wasn't used to having people in the cell with me when I woke up, so naturally I sat up and aimed my opened palm in the direction of the sound of the footsteps -- I was prepared to electrocute them. 

Then I saw that it was Kylo Ren who was present in the room with me, and I slowly brought my hand down to my side. He looked slightly apprehensive, and one corner of his thick, rosy lips was turned upwards into a slight smirk. The nearly-unnoticeable grin only last for a few moments before it melted back into his usual monotonous expression. 

"It's good to see you're prepared to defend yourself." He commented, and Kylo Ren finished walking out of the bathroom's threshold as he had been. I took a moment to calm my speeding heart down and then lay back down under the blankets. 

Kylo Ren donned only plain black pants. He walked to the closet and I secretly studied his muscular back. Everything about him was so detailed. The muscles were so well defined and his skin looked incredibly smooth. I gazed longingly at his perfectly-sized, breathtaking biceps as he walked over to his closet. He had just begun to rummage through his clothing when he said, "Nira, I know you're staring." 

He suddenly turned his head towards me before I had a chance to process his words and caught me in the act of viewing his glorious body. I quickly looked away ashamedly. I felt my face heating up with humiliation. I could tell he was still observing me.

A few more embarrassing moments passed before I heard the sound of him continuing to look for something in his closet. I then heard the sound of fabric creating friction on skin, and I assumed he was getting dressed. 

When I deemed it safe to look back at him, I did so. He was gazing at me with a look of . . . Curiosity? 

"Why are you here? Why not at the arena?" I broke the sexually tense silence with this question and acted as if I hadn't been admiring his body moments before. 

"I needed to talk to you, actually." He answered. His voice's perfection gave me the chills. 

I was still unable to get over how exquisite Kylo Ren's voice is. It was a perfect mixture of sharp and flat, of alert and calm, of congealed and soft, and of sweet and sour. 

"About?" I asked quizzically. Of course I knew there were plenty of available conversation topics for Kylo Ren and I to hold; it was only a matter of which intense issue we would discuss. 

"Now, Nira, you can't take this the wrong way. You know how I care about you and -- " Kylo Ren cut himself off, looked away distantly, and tugged on his lip with his teeth. He looked back at me and continued, "I care about you and I don't want to lose you. You are aware of this, correct?" 

I nodded slowly. I was unsure of where he was going with the chat, but if he had to assure me that he cared for me before announcing what he was about to, then I was positive that I wasn't going to like whatever he had to reveal. 

"You are aware that no one can ever find out about us, correct?" 

I squinted at him out of disbelief. "What?" 

Kylo Ren's head fell to a sad, awkward angle and he gently sighed. I began to worry more and more as seconds passed by. 

"No one can ever know about the entirety of our relationship, Nira. I thought you knew this." 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now