Chapter Twenty-Nine

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 With a puff of weak breath, I stood up and resumed my trek, continuously putting distance between myself and the man who had single-handedly torn me apart, soul from mind, heart from chest.  

(Author's Note: This chapter is from Kylo Ren's point of view)


"Nira!" I shouted through my mask again. 

How dare she? Defy me and then escape from me? I was furious. I was raging. My face was hot and my breathing was heavy. 

Does she not realize that I am her direct owner? That I am above her? 

"Nira!" I yelled louder, and my voice was shaking with fury. 

Only the sounds of the nature replied to me. I could sense her presence somewhere in the eastern direction, but Beyzuno was a vast forest with several paths and even more hiding spots. I knew that if she didn't want me to find her, I wouldn't. 

One thought was faint, but somehow prominent, in the back of my mind. My main concern at that moment was finding Nira and returning her to our secret location, but another growing concern was the fact that Nira had pushed The Force off of her. I had had a secure mental grip on her and I was bringing her down but she resisted it. 

I stared into the dense trees, knowing that there was no hope going in after her. My frustration grew to an explosive level and I viciously whipped out my lightsaber. The humming red blade grew to it's full extent. 

I let my rage out with a distorted, monstrous scream and I swung my lightsaber brutally on a thin tree. The tree was easily sliced by the buzzing blade and it fell to the ground beside me, but that wasn't enough to soothe my intense wrath.

I slowly and ferociously worked my violent way to every tree in the clearing, destroying, burning, splitting, and screaming. Finally, when I reached the original sizzling stump, I stopped. All I could do was breath heavily and stare at it. I knew, deep down, that I had to calm myself and take some course of action. 

Call the base? No. They will think I'm weak if I can't handle a girl that's not even half-trained. They aren't as sure of her potential as I am; they don't know of the inner power she possesses. 

Go after Nira? No. She's too far gone and the wilderness is too dense to know which way to go. She's too far away for me to exactly pinpoint her location. 

Destruct more? No. I need to learn to control my anger. Not to mention this base is not very secretive anymore, due to my own calamitous tendencies. 

Do . . . Nothing? Not an option. I need to either --

. . . 

What is that I sense? 

. . . 

I sense nine -- no, ten -- blurry shapes approaching. 

What are they? 

They are getting nearer very quickly . . . 

What are they?

I can see one of them, in my mind, of course, and it's getting clearer by the second. It's a . . . It's a ship. Ten ships that are nearing at an aggressive pace. But whose ships? Who would come to Beyzuno, especially to this deserted sector? It makes no sense. I will --

The Resistance. 

In my mind, one of the ships had focused enough and I could see their clear label, their clear sign. They were reaching Beyzuno at alarming speeds. The Resistance could only need one thing on Beyzuno, and it just happened to be alone and helpless. 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now