Chapter Four

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(Author's Note: Sorry if you don't really like the picture I put but I couldn't find one with him maskless and without Rey)

"We don't know how you got the power or what you've done with it, accidentally or on purpose. We do know, or at least think, we could use it. I agree with the idea. I think it's purely resourceful. If we could harness your power, no other force field would be stronger, and with that and our army, you'd be nearly impossible to destroy. If you did get destroyed, we could always have a backup ready to go." Kylo Ren explained. He seemed almost excited, and I grimaced at him in disgust.

My mind's gears began whirling. I was thinking harder than I ever had before about one question all while Kylo Ren looked down on me. His fists were not balled up anymore, but loosely by his sides. Before he spoke once more, a minute or two later, my mind could only revolve around one question;

How do I escape?


My mind twisted and turned and I thought of every viable option, but nothing worked out in my head! There was no possible solution!

Steal a lightsaber? Okay, try battling hundreds of stormtroopers and Kylo Ren. I've never even used a lightsaber!

Steal a ship? Yeah, because I know how to pilot. For sure. That was sarcasm. 

Those are basically the only two methods of escape. I would need a way to fight or a way for flight, and I'm guessing the only things that come and go off of wherever I am would be ships. My only other option would be to have someone rescue me, but seeing as everyone that knows of my existence is either is dead or wants to keep me here, who would be my rescuer? 

Kylo Ren, who was still in my cell, interrupted my rapid thoughts. He knelt down again so his elbows were on his knees and said in his usual monotone, "Your power wasn't the only thing I felt in your presence."

I looked up at him. What else was there to feel from my presence? Was there something else he knows about me that I don't? I already didn't like the fact that he discovered my powers. Now what? 

"The difference between your power and this sensation I felt was that your power was an electricity that surged through me. This other feeling was a certain warmth that I've never experienced before. Before I felt this second sensation, I wasn't sure if I wanted to take you away from Tunstead or not. I wasn't sure whether or not us taking you for your powers would end up backfiring on us and you would become a dangerous weapon that destroys The First Order from the inside out. Then the sensation reached me, and it soothed me. It spread everywhere in my body and calmed me down, but it also excited me. It made me want you."

His words were freaking me out. I was slightly panicking. Again, I had no clue what he was talking about or where he was going. 

Kylo Ren extended his black gloves towards me and I felt The Force grab my body everywhere. It made me involuntarily rotate sideways and extend my limbs so I was lying like a board on the bed. Kylo Ren pulled his hands back, but The Force was still applied. I tried to get up but his immense mental powers wouldn't let me move anything except my facial features.

He removed his mask. My eyes widened. 

His hair was darker and more detailed than my worst nightmare. His full, pink lips were parted with longing. His brown eyes had a certain unnecessary determination, and his eyebrows were gently furrowed. 

His looks enticed me. He was impressively attractive. 

Self-hate arose in my body and spread like a wildfire, not paced and uncontrolled. How could I possibly think that this fiend was attractive? I know I couldn't help myself, but I told myself in my head, he killed your mother, murdered your entire village, he kidnapped you, took you away from everything you knew!

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