Chapter Twenty-Four

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Kylo Ren gracefully pulled his lightsaber out of The Resistance's last hope of abducting me and the body fell limply to the ground. I watched in horror as he stepped over it.

It was the first time I'd ever seen Kylo Ren truly take action. It was the first time I'd been petrified with terror.



Several days had passed since The Resistance last tried to take me and since I first viewed Kylo Ren in battle. I was still in disbelief that he'd taken down twenty men in less than five minutes. 

After watching the battle, as he was walking over to me, I realized who Kylo Ren truly was. He was merciless, a hopeless cause for innocence, corrupt, violent, sinister, and a killer. But for some strange, unworldly reason, I still found myself attracted to him. 

I had decided the day after the attack that I wouldn't be angry with Kylo Ren for his solutions; not because I was attracted to him, but because I'd sadly thought, I don't have a destiny anywhere else, and I know I won't be able to escape from here. Even if I were to escape, they would find me. So why not follow his solutions, I guess. 

I had given up the hope of eventually becoming an individual with free will. 

The only thing I'd done in that past week was train, train, and train some more. I did not argue with Kylo Ren over anything, nor did he attempt to do anything more-than-friendly to me (a.k.a take off my nightgown at night). In fact, the last time he had slept in the same bed with me was on that occasion; frequently, Kylo Ren would drop me off at his cell, lock me in for the night, and I wouldn't see him until morning. I couldn't help but wonder why. Part of my was relieved and stress-free about it because I didn't have to worry about any slightly sexual activities going on, but part of me just wanted him there next to me. I didn't know why. 

My emotions on Kylo Ren were still deeply disorganized. Why was it that I clearly knew of his nefarious persona but I still yearned for the seducing moments we shared in his bed? Why was it that I'd witnessed him give the command to kill my mother yet I dreamed of him commanding me to kiss him? Kylo Ren had broken my soul and I hated him with every single mutilated fragment of it but my entire stable mind and heart told me, it's okay to want him, go to him, let him hold you, tell him to touch you.

Kylo Ren had unknowingly and royally demolished my sanity; however, he was the only one I felt rational around.


"Nira, you must bring your follow through all the way down or you'll never be able to parry correctly afterwards!" He exclaimed in an exasperated tone. I looked at him apprehensively, letting my fake lightsaber droop at my side.

"Sorry," I apologized unapologetically. 

"You need to fix this. I don't know how much more I can stress this point! Once more from the top, come on now." 

We'd been working on a very advanced set of moves for quite a long time. Straight jab, bring back, side parry, swing around, diagonal jab, opposite diagonal jab, parry down, pull over head, swing through. 

Do you see my struggle?!

I went through the move as fast as I possibly could, enunciating my follow throughs so I could hopefully be done with this vigorous training session. I repeated the steps quickly in my head, portrayed them, and when I was finished with the set I turned to look at Kylo Ren. 

His arms were folded, his brown eyes scrutinizing, thick brows furrowed, and a slight pucker was on his lips. He didn't look as disappointed as usual, though, so I took that as a plus. 

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