Chapter One-Hundred-and-Four

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Author's Note: Nira's POV, recap - Nira and Kylo Ren's holographic call did NOT go well. 


The hologram disappeared into the device below it as Kylo Ren ended the call. I slowly turned back to the General and her cronies with shallow breaths and a thumping, nervous heart. I had no idea what to say. 

"We can't send you back by tomorrow morning, Nira." Leia shook her head somberly. My mouth dropped open and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"If you want peace, that's how you'll have to get it! Why would you not send me back?!" I exclaimed in complete disbelief. The General sighed, and then replied, "If we send you back then there's no guarantee that any attempt at the treaty will occur. We need to try." 

I took a step near her and her massive guards on either side of her stood up. They walked in front of her protectively and menacingly. I took a step back; I had no intentions of ever harming the General, but I didn't want to get myself into trouble. 

"Did you not hear Kylo Ren? If I'm not returned to or on my way back to The First Order by the morning, they are coming and they will attack you!" 

The General shrugged. "This is the way it has to be. We can hide out in bunkers."

I scoffed. "And you think bunkers will keep The First Order at bay? You think they will give up if we merely hide in bunkers." 

The General then quickly stood up and walked toward me with a severe look in her eye. She took me by surprise. "If you're going to work with us then you need to be willing to try anything. That's how we operate around here." 

The stout, intense woman then turned up to her guards. "Put her in a high-security bunk for the duration of the night. I'll come to her soon." 

The guard nodded and the General exited the room with a certain swiftness that it seemed no one at her age could attain. 

I was walked down many flights of steps and through several hallways until the two guards and myself finally reached a dimly lit, short hallway with a dead end facing the stairs. There were two doors in the hallway, and the guards walked me through the nearest one. 

This cell was not just a dirt ground and stone walls, unlike the first cell that The Resistance had kept me in. I was greeted by two silver benches welded into the walls. Each had two plum-colored cushions on the seat. There was a silver table close to the bench with a tray of foreign food and drink sitting atop. 

The guards forcefully pushed me in. I turned and began to say, "Hey, wait -- " because I had several questions flying around my mind, but they slammed the door in my face. 

I plopped myself down at the table and began to nibble slowly at the food. I vaguely thought, I wonder if this food is going to poison me, as I placed more bites into my mouth. 

Guess I'll just have to wait it out, I thought glumly. At that point, though, I was used to being trapped into disclosed areas by powerful people. 



I jolted awake. I hadn't even realized I'd fallen asleep.

I was still alone in the room. I was confused by the crash; I didn't think it was The First Order attacking since the General hadn't accompanied me in the bunk yet, but what else could it have been?

Then the tumultuous sound of much glass shattering reached my ears and I jumped yet again. Now I was worried that the sounds of destruction was The First Order. 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now